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I woke up lying on a hard wooden surface. The surface that I was lying on was rocking a little bit. That was what lead me to believe that I was on a boat.

My head was ponding. I remembered vaguely hitting it on something as I was thrown away from the explosion.

Oh gods the explosion! Annabeth! I sat bolt upright and looked around.

"Hey," Annabeth grinned at me, "you're awake." Hey dyed brown hair was dirty and appeared to have some blood in it, weather it was hers or not I couldn't tell. But she still looked beautiful.

"Yer," I looked at their surroundings. Annabeth and I were in a small wooden boat with two oars strapped to it. It had one small cool box on the floor that I assumed had some supplies in. I noticed that we had one more thing in our boat. Annabeth's laptop was perched on her knees.

All around us was only ocean. No land no anything. Which was weird since as the last thing I remembered I had been in the middle of London.

I brushed a slightly longer bit of hair off of my face and looked back at Annabeth.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked her.

Annabeth shrugged, "I'm not sure, I woke up not long before you did, as far as I can see we're stranded."

"So what should we do?" I asked Annabeth. Scene as she normally had a plan I assumed she would be able to think of something to get us out of this mess.

Annabeth thought for a moment, "let's row that way." She pointed towards a cloud that looked weirdly like a flying horse.

"Why that way?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That cloud looks cool," Annabeth shrugged, "and it's the first direction I pointed in, I don't know why that way Percy, but we have to do something."

"Okay," I grabbed the oars, "that's all I needed to hear."

We took turns rowing, but we seemed to be getting nowhere. It felt like we were rowing on a treadmill.

I knew we were making progress, but it didn't feel like it. With no land in sight it didn't feel like it. But my muscles knew otherwise, they held a dull ache from all rowing. Annabeth was taking a turn rowing when I spotted it.

A dot on the horizon, as we got closer and closer I realised that it was a boat. The stern of the boat faced us with the name 'Princess Andromeda' in big black letters.

The boat was huge. It was a small cruse ship. The deck seemed to be deserted. I couldn't see any people.

"Something's wrong." I mused, "I don't like it."

Annabeth stopped rowing for a moment and looked over her shoulder at the boat.

"Even if something is wrong, we can't stay in this heap of trash for much longer, what if a storm rolls in?" Annabeth replied.

I nodded. I noticed that a lower deck had a window just large enough for us to crawl in through, we would have to scale part way up the side of the boat but it was manageable.

"There," I pointed at the window, "we can get onto the boat there."

Hey guys, here's another chapter!
If you haven't already please go and give my Wattpad Instagram a follow! It's _live_life_with_books_!
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~Em xx

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