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"What the hell do you mean, no one can seem to kill you?" Jason demanded.

"Exactly what it sounds like." Nico stood his ground, glaring straight back at Jason, "the TITANS tried to kill me and frame Luke for my death. I have a blank spot and then I woke up in a coffin buried under the ground. The next I new it felt like I was being consumed by the shadows and I was standing next to a gravestone that had my name on it!"

After Nico was done none of us spoke for a while. What he was saying wasn't possible. He had to be lying. But what if he wasn't?

"I don't understand," Hazel said after a long silence, "why are you only telling me this now, I was at your funeral, I could've helped."

"As soon as I got out a guy called Hermes found me, he told me that I had to stay hidden until the other twelve were ready, and he told me to beware of the TITANS, then he just disappeared, I did what he told me, but I thought he was speaking about the Ancient Greek Titans, like speaking in riddles, it wasn't until recently that I realised he meant the organisation."

"Why tell us this?" I asked, "why now?"

"Because Hermes found me again and told me that I had to help you guys get some people off of a boat." Nico shrugged, "so which boat is it and where is it?"

"The most recent coordinates we have of it were here," Hazel showed him the map.

Nico nodded, "I'll be back."


The coordinates had been sending for almost five hours when the door of the holding cell opened to reveal a ghost.

An older version of the kid that Luke had been accused of killing stood in the door, all of us immediately jumped to our feet.

"Everybody join hands now!" He told us, no one moved an inch, he growled under his breath, "do you what to get off this boat or now?"

We did as he said, "no one let go!" He commanded, then I felt as if the darkness had swallowed me, I had to fight to keep hold of Calypso and Annabeth's hands. Just as quickly as it had started it all stopped and I fell onto a carpeted floor.

"What. The hell. Was that?" Leo spluttered from where he had landed.

"Frank!" I heard Hazel then saw her jump on him, pulling him into a hug.

I scrambled to my feet to see that we were in an apartment. Jason was stood there, along with Piper and the should-be-dead Nico Di Angelo.

Piper looked confused as she looked around, "where's Percy?" She asked, I glanced at Annabeth who had just got to her feet next to me, her eyes were welling up with tears again, "and shouldn't Like be with you Thalia?" Piper frowned.

I glared at nothing in particular, "Luke is as good as dead."

"And Percy is dead," Annabeth sniffed.

"No." Nico shook his head. "Not possible, I was so sure!" He muttered to himself.

"Sure of what?" Calypso asked.

"Sure that Percy was one of the thirteen."

*whispers* Thirteen.
Guys I updated again! Are you proud of me? So Nico has powers! Yep that's the storyline I went with :)
So what do you think the thirteen are?
Remember to vote, comment and do a beautiful dance!

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