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A few days later I uncovered some information that told me that the TITANS also ran an illegal human trafficking company across the Atlantic Ocean.

I called Jason and Piper and I asked them to come to our flat so that I could tell them what I had found.

They arrived and I hurried to tell them what I knew. Once I had finished they looked at me in a slightly stunned silence. Even Percy who already knew looked slightly impressed.

"Wow," Jason finally said, "you found all of that in a few days!"

I shrugged, "it wasn't really that hard to find."

Piper opened her mouth to speak, but she never got the chance to say anything. There was a knocking at the window and we all turned to see Hazel standing on the fire escape. Percy hurried to open the window and let Hazel in.

"You know that you could just use the door," Percy told her as she climbed through and he shut the window behind her.

Hazel completely ignored him and looked at me and Piper.

"We need to leave now!" Hazel was panting slightly, "the TITANS are in their way here."

Piper and I exchanged a quick look before the building blew up and the world turned upside down.


I had lost track of how long me, Calypso and Frank had been stuck in the boiler room of some cruise ship.

We had been trying to find a way out since we got in there.

It wasn't as easy as it should've been. I had tinkered with the lock to no prevail, Frank had tried to bash the door in and Calypso had yelled curses at the door (I had told her that it wouldn't work, but she didn't listen to me.)

The door was made of metal, it looked pretty impossible to break. It hadn't opened once. There was a smaller door which someone had been shoving food through, it was barley enough, my stomach had been growling for days.

Well it could have been days, but there were no windows in the room so they had very little concept of time. There was only a single hanging lightbulb.

The boiler room was hot, so they were all extremely sweaty, but that was the least of their worries.

I was sitting with my back against one wall and Calypso's head on my lap when the door creaked open. Two men in all back clothes threw a person into the room, quickly shutting the door again.

The person appeared to be unconscious, but it took me a while to realise that it was Thalia Grace who had been tossed in. But where was Luke?

Calypso hurried to Thalia's side and began to do all she could to help their friend.

"She's not dead," Calypso muttered after checking her pulse. She continued trying to wake the girl up.

Eventually Thalia woke up, she rolled onto her side and coughed, for a moment I thought she might throw up, but she didn't.

She sat up and looked at us.

"Thalia," Frank frowned, "what happened? Where's Luke?"

Thalia said nothing and just shook her head.

Hey guys, guess who's back with an update!!
I am so sorry about how long this took, but I had the worst writers block in the world.
This is the last chapter in part 1 because I thought it would be easier to start afresh in part 2 which I hope will be up soon.
Thank you guys for sticking through this hiatus with me and I can't wait to see where the rest of the book goes.
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!!
~Em xx

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