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I slid into the seat at the booth that Piper was sitting at. She looked pretty much the same. Although her hair was much longer that last time I had seen her.

"Hi," I grinned, "how have you been?"

"Fine," Piper ginned back at me, "let's cut straight to the chase, because I know it's risky us both being here." I nodded in appreciation and listened to what she had to say, "firstly," she began, "the TITANS are on to us, Hazel found me and Jason and told us that they have Leo, Frank and Calypso. She said that they were about to find us, that's why we left, we came to warn you guys, secondly Hazel told us that Nico Di Angelo is alive-."

"But that's impossible," I cut her off, "I saw his body."

"I know, but we think that the TITANS faked his death do that they could frame Luke," Piper spoke very quietly so the passing waiters couldn't overhear our conversation.

"That could link into that email chain that I found, the one about getting us out of the way." I realised suddenly, "I have been thinking about it recently and I think that the TITANS are planning something and for some reason we're the only ones who can stop them and that's why they've been trying to get us out of the way."

Piper nodded thoughtfully, "and somehow I think that finding Nico Di Angelo is the key to discovering what they're up to."


"Percy look at this." I sat on the sofa a few days later doing some more research about the TITANS.

"What am I looking at?" Percy stared at the screen blankly.

I laughed, "I managed to hack into the mainframe of the TITAN's archives and there's stuff that dates back to the first computers and by the looks of it they have hard copies of records dating back hundreds of years, they might even go back to the Roman Empire."

"So we're dealing with pretty powerful people," Percy frowned.

"Yer and they're pretty imbedded in society," I scrolled further up the list, "they have people in most major governments of the world."

"We're in way over our heads here aren't we?" Percy looked at me.

"We are," I looked straight into his eyes, "so we've got to hit them hard."

Percy kissed my forehead and grabbed his keys, "I've got to get to work, I'll see you later Mrs Jackson."

"And I'll see you later Mr Jackson," I jumped up and kissed him before he left.


I had been running from town to town all across America since I had returned from seeing Piper and Jason. I knew that Nico must be in America. It had only been a few months since I had last seen him. I could feel that he was close.

I also knew that Nico was the key to find Frank, Leo and Calypso. That's why I was determined to find him. And I would find him.

Oooo, sneaky update!!
Remember to vote, comment and do a little dance (or a big one, I'm not fussed)
~Em xx

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