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I'd always liked water. Even when I was small I would beg and beg my mother until she took me to our local pool.

It wasn't anything fancy. But I just felt safe in the water. As soon as I could swim without arm bands I spent my time diving down to the bottom of the pool.

My mum nicknamed me her little dolphin.

So I did appreciate the irony that I was going to die in the water. The impact of the water did hurt. But not as much as the knife going in and out of my chest.

As far as I could tell Luke had punctured one of my lungs. Which was providing me with a lovely slow death.

The salt water of the ocean stung my eyes a bit, but that didn't really bother me. I watched as the water turned red around me as blood seeped out of my wound.

The flow seemed to be lessening, maybe that was because I had almost fully bled out?

My main concern was holding my breath. I refused to die from drowning. If something was going to kill me it would not be water.

I tried to make my way to the surface, but neither my arms if legs would do what I wanted them to do.

My head felt like it was about to explode, but I still hadn't died. I finally opened my mouth and took a breath when I couldn't take it anymore.

To my surprise the water felt just like air. The pain from my stab wound had completely faded.

Some people said that just before you died you felt no pain. You were simply at peace. Maybe this is what was happening to me. I let my breath of water out and took another breath.

I still hadn't died. My wound had stopped bleeding and the red cloud of my blood was floating away from me. I wondered if the smell of blood would attract sharks, and then I tried to remember if there were sharks in the Atlantic. But I couldn't.

Then I wondered why my wound had stopped bleeding. I clearly hadn't fully bled out or I would be dead.

I looked down to see the rip in my tshirt where the knife had gone in and the bloodstains all over my tshirt, but there was no wound. Just a jagged scar.

It was as if the water had healed me. I was still breathing in the water as if it was air.

For a while I wondered if I had died. If I was dead. But then I realised that I was hungry and tired, and I wouldn't be either if I was dead, would I?

I kicked out and this time my legs responded. My head broke the surface of the water and I looked around.

The Princess Andromeda was nowhere in sight. In fact there was nothing in sight. No boats. No land. Nothing.

I felt a wrenching in my gut an and suddenly I was caught in a current, pulling me in one direction.

Hey guys!
So this book will finish at chapter 18. So only a few more chapters to go!
The next book will be called Innocent and I will publish the part 1 header as soon as I publish chapter 18!
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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