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We continued following in the Princess Andromeda's shadow, aware that we could be spotted at any moment.

"This is exhausting," Percy panted, the boat was moving quite fast with it's large engines, but our little boat with its tiny ores couldn't keep up, even with Percy paddling as fast as he could we still we hardly keeping up with the cruise ship.

"We should get on the boat," I said after considering it for a while, "this isn't practical we're going to get tired if we try to keep this up."

"No kidding." Percy rolled his eyes and paddled with renewed power in his strokes until I could touch the boat.

"I'm getting major DaJaVu right now," Percy declared as I began scrambling up towards an open window that we could squeeze through.

I tumbled into a cabin. The bed seemed freshly made and the room was pristine. No one was staying in this room.

"Ow!" Percy smacked his head on the carpeted floor and he fell through the window head first. He straightened up and dusted himself off.

"Seaweed Brain," I rolled my eyes.

"Okay now we're on the boat what do we do?" Percy asked. I straightened the duffle bag that I had stowed my laptop on before we left our little boat.

"I'm guessing that if the TITANS took Frank, Calypso and Leo then they'll probably be held here."

"So we find them?" Percy raised an eyebrow, "and then we get the hell off of this demon cruise ship."

"Exactly, we can borrow a life boat and try go get to some land." I thought out loud.

"Sounds good to me." Percy made his way over to the door and opened it just enough for him go peek his head out to check if there was anyone there.

He quickly withdrew his head and shut the door, "Luke is in this corridor he's standing right outside."

Percy began backing away from the door, my brain was spinning with so many thoughts that I couldn't keep track of them.

The door swung open. Luke looked slightly surprised to see us standing there, but that was quickly washed away with a smile.

"I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to come back," Luke laughed, "but I guess you were."

Percy opened and closed his mouth as if he was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out and he just ended looking like a fish.

"So I've been thinking about what I'd do if I saw you again, and I've decided," Luke grinned, "let's go up to the top deck."

I exchanged a look with Percy, conveying a simple message, we have no choice but to follow him.

We began following after Luke. We walked in silence until we were in the exact same place that we had been when me and Percy jumped off the boat before.

"I decided that I'd bring the both of you up here." Other TITANS in masks seemed to emerge from everywhere and grabbed me and Percy by the arms, pulling us away from eachother.

"Once I had you up here I thought I'd do this," Luke pulled out a shining bronze coloured knife and walked towards Percy, who began struggling against his captors. All I could do was watch in horror as Luke plunged the knife into Percy's chest.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, begging Luke to stop, for someone, anyone to help. But no one did. Luke pulled the knife back out, now slick with Percy's blood.

Percy went limp in his captor's grip.

"Throw him overboard," Luke said it as if Percy were a sack of potatoes, the guards did as Luke asked. I kicked and tried everything I could to get free of my captor's, but their grip was like iron. There was no way I could get free of them. I could only watch as my Seaweed Brain was thrown into the sea.

Luke turned to me next, still holding the knife that killed Percy.

"I know you're upset now, but one day you'll understand Annabeth."

I spat at him, hitting him full in the face.

He whiped it off. "Put her down with the others." Luke told the guards.

The marched me away but my mind wasn't in where we were going. Percy was gone. He was dead.

Until death do us part didn't seem so final anymore.

I am so sorry about the massive wait for this chapter, I hope that this makes up for it! :)
I feel so brilliantly evil right now!
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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