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I couldn't believe my eyes. Percy was really back. After three months I had convinced myself that he was dead. But here he was. Covered in sand, blood and seawater. But alive.

I showed him to my (now our) room. He went to have a shower whilst I borrowed some of Jason's clothes and put them on the bed.

The girl who had arrived with Percy waited patiently in the hall. She seemed uncomfortable in her new surroundings, the entire time her eyes darted around taking everything in. Filing it for later.

I knew that tactic. I basically created that tactic.

"I'm Annabeth," I told her, stretching out a hand for her to shake.

She took it, we shook hands, "Reyna." She replied. Her voice wreaked authority and her handshake was firm. Her eyes bore into my own. Something about her seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"I'm Percy's-." I began. But she cut me off.

"You're his wife." She nodded.

"How do you know him?" I asked her.

"We met in prison." She said casually.

"Oh." I replied, "we're you- I mean did you..."

"Do what I was put in there for?" She raised an eyebrow, "no I didn't."

The TITANS had framed her too. Just like they had framed me. Framed Percy.

"We're going to stop them," I told her. Just then Percy came out of the room, his hair still wet from his shower.

"Better?" He asked me, flashing his lopsided grin.

"Better." I nodded. I took his hand and gestured for Reyna to follow. "You guys need to meet the gods."


"No." Percy said bluntly after Poseidon had explained everything to him.

"No?" Posedion blinked back at him. His eyes were almost the same colour as Percy's and they sported the same colour hair (Percy's dye having washed out). They could have been father and son.

"You heard me." Percy nodded, "no. I'll fight the TITANS sure, after everything they did to us of course I'll fight them. But I'm not going to become some high and might god sat on a throne." He glanced at me and I saw a fire in his eyes that I hadn't seen before, "I'll stick around until we defeat the TITANS. But after that me and Annabeth are out of here."

I couldn't have agreed with his words more. I am not a god and I have no ambition to be a god.

Posedion smiled sadly, "I'm afraid you have no choice in the matter. It is your destiny."

"I don't believe in destiny." I stood my ground next to Percy.

On his other side Reyna remained silent. Taking in every aspect of the room.

Athena shook her head, "you don't have to believe in it for it to affect you."

I tightened my grip on Percy's hand. No matter what we were going to stand together.

I felt a strange sensation spreading all over my body, from my heart, all the way to my fingers and toes. I looked down, to see that I wasn't there anymore.

I had turned invisible.

Athena smiled, "you see Annabeth. There is no escaping destiny."

So that's the last chapter of this book. I just published the part header for the next book Innocent so give that an add!
I hope you really enjoyed this book and that you will stick with me through the next book!
Remember to vote, comment and give innocent an add to your libary!
~Em xx

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