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"So how was it after I left?" Apricot joined me in the living room and took a slice of pizza from my plate, before sitting down on the arm chair behind me. "It was.. weird, Dan after about 15 started to give Chris weird looks and when I said I was gonna leave he asked Chris to talk, I don't know what about".

Yeesh, I didn't know Dan was going to take action so quickly, I understand why though, we didn't want to let him hurt himself anymore than he already has. "Do you know what it was?" I looked behind me so I could see her and deliver her the news, she took a bite out of her pizza and I took a deep breath "Chris has been harming himself" I just let that sink in, apricot immediately looked slightly scared and confused "what? For how long??" She furrowed her eye brows and dropped her pizza on the arm of the chair.

"I'm not sure, probably since he started to date Charlie, he can be incredibly abusive" apricot probably already knows that, I've told her about it and she's seen it first hand "let's try not to dwell on it, if we do we're just gonna get even more upset" she was right, we just needed to watch some nice, light hearted cartoons.

"Let's watch some Steven universe"

Apricot nodded in agreement and grabbed the remote that was resting on the arm of the chair. I turned back around to face the tv and apricot seemed to know her way around tv's very well, even though she had never used my tv before she seemed to work it fine and found Steven universe in a faster time than I normally do. Which annoyed me by the way.

"Which episode?" I gave it a bit of thought and it's probably best if we started from the beginning and forget about our responsibilities the deeper we go into the series's "let's go from the top".

We began to watch Steven universe and before either apricot or I knew it, it was 4am and we still had not heard from Dan or Chris which made me very concerned. "Let's call Dan" I stated while scrolling through my phone to find dans contact. "You can if you want but I'm going to bed, I'm so tired" apricot yawned noisily while stretching her arms above her head, she must've been awake for over 20 hours so I didn't blame her.

"I'll turn everything off for you" she smiled at me gratefully, got up and started to walk down the hall; I could hear her bump into things on the way to her room.

I started to call Dan and he picked up almost immediately, which was uncharacteristic for him "Phil, I'm very concerned at the moment" so am I, what in gods name is going on over there right now? "What's wrong?" He was quiet for a little while and I could hear faint mumbling in the background. "Long story short, I asked Chris if what you said was true and he got a bit teary-eyed over it and started to rant to me how he'd been watching you online for a while and always had the biggest crush on you".

Chris had a crush on me? More importantly he's been watching me on YouTube? Why didn't he mention all of this when we met? Mind you, we didn't exactly meet in the most ideal situation. "He was very apologetic to me but I don't mind, who wouldn't have a crush on you?" How can Dan make me fan girl over our relationship when we were dealing with something like this? "Anyway, he is self harming and he wants to date you".

I groaned, rubbing my temples as Steven and amethyst had a conversation on tv. I wanted to sort all of this out now so that tomorrow I can sleep for a week. "Get him on FaceTime" I was just going to have to hope that the blue, synthetic glow from the tv would light my face sufficiently. Soon I was greeted with Chris's bright red face, it was obvious that he had been crying a lot. "Hey Phil" he mumbled shyly at the floor, the connection was rotten so the video quality was terrible but it'll do.

"Hey Chris, I don't mind that you have a crush on me, in fact I find it quite flattering if I'm totally honest" I really want to cheer him up so that he isn't so upset, I hated when people cry because of me. "I just can't date you, I hope we can still be friends" I'm the worst at things like this, especially when people are in such a fragile state like Chris is right now.

                                 "I'm sorry"

Tfw you get an email from your dentist saying that you need to go get braces ;-;

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