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(Warning! If you are sensitive to thing such as rape, you may want to skip over this chapter. Many things in this chapter/book are not real. Please do not take any of this like it has actally happened to me. Im sorry if this has happened to anyone. I am in no way trying to make fun of you.)

"Lydia, you're trending on Twitter." Dan says running into the bunk. I hold up my phone, "I know, Dan." He smiles and walks away. Brendon walks in and sits next to my bunk on the floor.

"We need to get to know each other." Brendon said. I smiled, here is him, working hard again. I swear Dallon gave him lessons on how to raise a child. It's working.

"Okay. How about you ask me a question, and I'll answer It as best I can." I say and Brendon smiles, signalling yes.

"What do you do in your free time?" He asks.

"Music, video games, watch video games on YouTube, or draw. I'm a crappy drawer though." I say. Brendon asks to see some of my drawings. I take out my sketchbook and hand it to him. Brendon flips to a random page, and it happened to be of Josh Dun playing drums.

"Shit Lydia...this is really good! You listen to Twenty Øne Pilots?" He asks. I nod a little. He takes out his phone and takes a picture of it. "May I send this to Josh?" He asks. My eyes light up and furiously nod my head, then stop and shake no, then yes again. "What is it, girly? I need to know." I nod and Brendon smiles.  "Am I allowed to ask about your real parents?" He asks. I nod for the last time. "What do you remember of them?"

"Well...I don't remember my mother. She died at birth. My fath-" I get cut off by Kenny running in. He has a worried look on his face. 

"I think I broke my hand." Kenny exclaimed. I looked at it and it definitely looked broken. Brendon's eyes widen then close. 

"I'll take you to the hospital real quick. Get it patched up. Do you think you'll be able to play?" Kenny shakes his head no. "Lydia, stay with Dallon or Dan, ya hear?" I nod and he gets up and heads out. I follow and see Dallon sitting at the table writing. He looks and sees Brendon leave. Then he looks at me. 

"Sit. I need to ask you something. I won't tell anyone, but if you don't want to answer you don't have to, please tell me." He said as I take a seat across from him. "Why do you not call Brendon 'dad', or 'father'?" 

I swallow hard. "I don't know. I've never actually met Brendon before. I have known about Brendon for quite a long time, he was never my adopted father, but I still felt extreme comfort when I listened to him. I guess I just..associate the word 'dad' to a bad person." Dallon looks at me with interest.

"Do you want to talk about it? You might feel better. I know you aren't sad, but I could tell something was up." Dallon was right. I was worried about this exact question, but I have to answer or I might look weak. I gave a weak smile and cleared my throat.

"My dad gave me up for adoption when I was born, Miss Baker said it was because he couldn't make enough money to pay for the two of us. He didn't try, so I just think he is an asshole...pardon my French...Brendon doesn't want me cursing." He nodded for me to continue. "Miss Baker found him, and asked if I would like to move in with him. I was allowed to stay the night and see how it is." I felt a tear in my eye. "I left in two days...with-without my innocence. He stole it from m-me." I broke down and started crying. Dallon got up and ran around to hug me. 

"I'm so sorry, Lydia. I hope that Brendon is being a better father than him" I nodded and the door burst open. It was Brendon. That was fast, I'm still crying. Shit. I hide my face in Dallon's shirt. 

"Lydia?" Brendon asks, "Are you okay?" I look up and try to smile. But I remember he is my father and break down crying again. "Whoa...Dallon, what the hell happened to my daughter?" That made me sob louder.

"She told me about her father. Why she doesn't call you 'dad'. It's pretty bad." Dallon stands up to let Brendon take his place. Brendon sits down and hugs me. 

"Hey, Lydia, if you don't want to call me father, that's okay. I want you to feel comfortable, and if you aren't comfortable with that then I won't force you to call me 'dad." He looks over at Dallon and mouths 'What happened?' Dallon looked at me and I nodded. I didn't feel like repeating the story, so I allowed Dallon to tell Brendon. Dallon told Brendon and Brendon looked at me with pity in his eyes. "Whoa, Lydia. That must be tough. I'm so sorry." His pity-filled face turned to anger. "I wILL PUNCH HIM IN THE SHNOZZ! NO ONE WILL HURT YOU, CHILD! I, the great Brendon Urie, WILL PROTECT YOU!" I laugh at Brendon's sheer stupidity. Brendon smiled at his success and turned back to Dallon. "Kenny can't play guitar tonight. Who will play? Or will we just play song that do not require rhythm guitar?" Dallon points to me and speaks, "Can't Lydia play guitar? Maybe we can play the songs she knows then do with out for the others." Brendon spun back around and looked at me. 

"Will you play guitar in Panic! tonight?" he asks. 

"What songs?" I ask. 

"I Write Sins Not Tragedies, Death of a Bachelor, Crazy=Genius, Miss Jackson, Emperor's New Clothes, This Is Gospel, and Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time." He said, looking at a sheet of paper. 

"I know Crazy=Genius, Miss Jackson, and Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time." I say and Brendon smiles. 

"Okay, I Write Sins, Death of a Bachelor, and This is Gospel do not require guitar. I can't play and sing at the same time so, maybe you can learn Emperor's New Clothes?" He asks. I notice Dallon makes a strange face. Brendon shushes him before he could speak. Guess I'm playing in Panic!. Oh. My. God. I am playing in my favorite band! aAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

That's my Daughter//Adopted by Brendon Urie {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now