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^My screensaver. It is a sexy photo of Ryan Ross. 

It was the end of the tour and we were heading back to California. I had such a great time with these guys, it was hard to think it was over. We were almost near Nevada when I got another text from the mystery guy.

???: You need to text me when you get back, and when Brendon leaves.

Me: Who the fuck are you?!

???: I still have Brendon's phone number, he may not want to talk to me, but I bet he will listen if I say that you cussed. Now Brendon will have to do something in the near future. You text me when he is away. Okay?

Me: no, I still don't know who you are.

???: lets just say Brendon hates me and your real dad knows why. I got to go. Remember to text me

I rewatched the video that many fans took.

"What are you going to do? Kiss me? I've done research on you, I know what happened with you and Ry-" 

Is that what that mystery person was talking about? Kissing Ry?...Ry.....Ryan!? Did my real dad mean to say that Brendon and Ryan had a thing going on? Brendon was asleep right now, but I went back and grabbed his phone.

I typed in the mystery persons number into Brendon's phone. It came up as 'ex'. I hit call, just to see who it was.

"Yoo, Brendon!" It was obviously a guy. "Brendon? Okay, if you won't talk I will. Lydia cussed at me." So these were the same people, but who was ex...who was Brendon's ex. I abruptly ended the call and put Brendon's phone back.

I texted back to ex

Me: you're Brendon's ex.

???: yes. Now connect that to what your real father said.

Me: he said he knew about Brendon and...Ryan.....

???: C'mon, almost there.

Me: ....oh my God......Ryden was real.

???: That's the first thing you say. Well, I guess I'll give it to you. Yup, we were a thing, and I am Ryan Ross.

Me: I have got to go, Brendon woke up. 

Ryan: Okay, just please text me. 

Me: I guess I'll try.

I put my phone away and looked up to Brendon. 

"Who were you talking to?" He says suspiciously.

"Oh..uh...Adele." I was never to good at lying, so I didn't think he would buy it, but he did. 

"Okay. Tell her I said hi." He said, sitting down and taking out his notebook.

Me: Brendon says hi. 

I texted Adele and got out the book Dan had given me to help me learn sheet music. 

We had gotten back to Santa Monica, and all the boys had left. Brendon and I went back to his house. Brendon showed me all around and showed me to my room. I put all my stuff up when Brendon knocked on the door.

"Hey, wanna Periscope with me? Just answering people's questions?" I nodded and grabbed my phone, then followed Brendon to the living room. I sat down and got out my phone to text Ryan, and Brendon turned on Periscope. 

"Hey everyone. This is just gonna be a Q&A with Lydia." I looked up and waved.

Me: we are home and Brendon is still here. We are Periscoping.

Ryan: Okay. Thanks.

"They are asking who you are talking to." Brendon says looking at me. I start to sweat, afraid to say anything. What if I said Ryan....I would be doomed.

"Uhh....just a friend." I say and Brendon nods. 

"Why ask a stupid question like that? Oh fine, I'll ask." Brendon says. "What is your lock screen on your phone? Mine is Jupiter. What is yours, kid?" I looked up from my phone.

"You have to look away Brendon. And people, you can't say anything about him in the chat. Beebo isn't supposed to know." I get up and Brendon turns away, I show them the cute picture of Ryan that I have set. Then I sit back down. "Okay, you can turn around." 

Brendon turns around and looks at the chat. "Why is the chat going crazy with 'Ryan Ross'?" He looks. 

"Um...that's my lock screen." I say nervously. Brendon turns off Periscope.

"Take it off." 


"Take. It. Off. Now." Brendon says, staring at me.

"Why?" I hear Brendon sigh. 

"I didn't want to have to tell you. But here I go."  

That's my Daughter//Adopted by Brendon Urie {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now