Chapter 1

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The car passed the sigh of your new town. Gravity Falls. Yep, the new town your parents are forcing you to move to. Away from your friends, home town, and everything. This would be a new start. People say that a new start is good for you but is it? You are 16! A new start isn't good because you are supposed to have a life, a plan, and everything all figured out! A new start isn't not the way to go for a 16 year old!

You sigh.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Hey! This would be good, pumpkin! For all of us!" Dad smiled.


"Don't hate it, sweetie. You haven't tried it yet. I'm sure you'll get new friends with the first day of school!"

"Thanks Mom, but I doubt it. By this time of high school, everyone got their friends picked out and there is no room for me. A normal girl like me."

"Honey don't say that."

"But it's true! You know how high school know how cruel the girls there could get."

"Then don't worry about the girls than. What about those boys eh?" Mom wiggled her eye brows.


"No I mean it. This could be the town where you get your boyfriend. The high school romance!"

"I heard they suck."

"Not if you meet the right guy."

Dad folded his arms, "I highly doubt that. There will be no guys dating you."


"I'm serious. I don't want anyone hurting my little girl."

"I'm not so little, Dad. I'm 16."

"She's right dear." Mom added.

"Who's side are you on!?" Dad protested.

"I'm on the side of a teenage girl. I was one once and I know how the teenage romance goes."

You face palm your forehead, "Mom! You are embarrassing me! Besides, I really not looking into a relationship during high school. I just want to focus on my school work. I want to be top of my class."

"Good for you pumpkin!" Dad cheered. Mom sigh, "Oh alright...but you'll change your mind...just you wait."

After that we drove into town. A small little town it was. it was going to be boring that's for sure. What can you do in a small little town?

The car drove up to a small little one story house.

"Welcome home!" Dad announced.

You looked at the house. Old white paint, a crack window and a yard that needed to be tending...more chores for you to do. Yay....

You sigh, "Welcome home...I guess."

Your family got out of the car and wander around the house to check it out before you bring your stuff in. Inside wasn't so bad. New hardwood floors, a remodeled kitchen, and some new paint were already for the new family. Dad wrap his arm around you, "See? Not so bad, eh?"

You shrugged, "Not so bad."

Dad patted you on the back, "That's my girl, thinking on the bright side. Now let's get unpacking shall we?" of the worse things ever. it means you can never go back. you can never go back to your old town, home, friends, school, and life. You were stuck here. took forever. You unpacked all day and you barely have your room even close in being done. Your parents barely brought every box and piece of furniture in the house. For dinner it was your favorite pizza. (Insert your favorite Pizza) was the only thing that actually brightened up your day. At least there wasn't something that change and that was how good the pizza was and it was with your family.

"So are you excited, (Y/N)?" Mom asked.

"To have another slice? Of course!" you asked, holding out your plate. Mom chuckled as she put another slice on your plate, "That wasn't what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?" You asked.

"About school tomorrow."

You swallowed the bit that you had in your mouth, "Uhhhhh...I guess."

"Don't worry. I bet you'll be just fine! School just started a few months ago for these people, you'll catch up quickly. You are one of the smartest kids I have ever seen." Dad commented.

"Hum, thanks Dad."

"No really, (Y/N). I really do mean it. Top 3 in your class, all advance classes...I say that is pretty dang smart." Dad took another bit of the pizza.

You sigh, "This is a different school, Dad."

"It doesn't matter. You'll be great but no boyfriends."

"Frank!" Mom shouted.


"She can have boyfriends if she wanted. I allow that. You have no saying in it."

"Why do you want her to have a boyfriend so much?"

"A girl needs to have a little fun! This is high school and it doesn't last forever!"

"You don't need a boyfriend for that."

"Then studying until she dies?! Really Frank."

"Sam, please listen...I really don't think she will need a boyfriend."

"Would you two stop it? Stop deciding my life!" You shouted. Your parents both looked at you. You sigh, "I'm sorry for shouting but it's my life. If I wanted a boyfriend I will have one. If I don't want a boyfriend I won't have one. I'm 16 and that is the perfect dating age. It's fine. Besides you say I'm smart so I'll be smart on who I date. Okay?"

Dad sigh, "Okay..."

Mom nod her head, "Alright sweetie."

Why do parents do this? Choosing your life? It's your life! You rolled your eyes. You love their concern and the thought that they want what is best for you, but you just want to do your own things.

After eating 6 slices of your amazing pizza you headed up to your room. All you had out was your bed and the blankets to go with it. You crawled into the covers. The smell of the old house was still fresh in your freezing room. You sigh, "Tomorrow is going to be...interesting...but you can do it. Right?" 

First chapter! Yay! Don't worry, Dipper is coming....just a good relationship takes a bit to get there. mwahahaha!

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