Chapter 2

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The annoying sound of your alarm woke you up from your deep sleep. Groaning you blinding slap on the cloak...or where it was supposed to be on your nightstand but you didn't have time to unpack and set everything up. The alarm clock was on the floor. You groan even more, "Oh shut it!" Then you finally hit the alarm.

You dragged yourself out of bed but shiver, already wishing to be back in bed. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you quickly just picked random clothes from your clothes box. Looking in the mirror you saw your outfit.

(Insert your outfit)

A great day to start the first day of school for yourself. Of course you still got to do your hair and makeup. So that is what you did next.

You weren't super excited, you knew that it wasn't going to be easy to make friends. For the reasons you made before. Everyone was already in their groups. Who will make room for you?

After doing your hair and makeup, you headed down the stairs where Mom was making toast for everyone, because the toaster and bread was the only thing that was out to cook breakfast. "Morning, pumpkin!" Mom smiled.

"Hey Mom." You kissed her cheek.

"Ready for school?"

"I guess."

"Are you even excited?"

"Honestly? A little."

"I can't wait to see who your new friends are!"

"If I get friends."

"You will, honey. Maybe not the first day, because...come on, it's impossible to make complete real friends on the first day. You might get a few friendly hellos."

You sigh, "I know....I just miss my old friends."

"You still got phones and social media."

"I know."

Then the pounding feet of Dad coming down the steps, "Hey! Everyone is up!" He came and kissed his wife and grabbed a piece of toast. He was dressed in a suit and tie and had a briefcase. He was starting his new job today too. "Let's go, (Y/N)! We are going to be late!"

"Kay Dad." You grabbed your backpack and you followed your father to the car. Dad then drove out to the road and started to head to your new school. The town was pretty. The trees and nice weather. It was better than your old town. Then it was the school. You took a deep breather as you undid your seat belt. "Hey." Dad stopped you as he placed his hand on your knee, "Have a great day, okay? I believe you will have a great day." I gave a small smile, "Thanks Dad." Then you got out of the car and walked into your new school.

There was kids everywhere and all sorts of kinds. The nerds, the popular kids, jocks, last minute touch up on makeup and hair, goths, and even normal looking people. Your last group of friends was all over the place. You never really fit in a certain group. You were part of the nerds, normal, and a hint of popular. But that was at your old school. This was a completely new battle field.

Walking around, you watched everyone. Some people looked at you, and watched you until you went down the hall. Was that good or bad?

We pulled out the piece of paper in your pocket and you looked at your locker number at the top of your schedule. You went to your locker. Number 618. What a weird number. You opened it up and started to put some books in that you didn't want to carry.

"Hey! A new locker buddy!" A voice cheered.

You looked back as saw a girl your age with short brown hair, glasses, and green eyes. She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. She smiled, "You must be new."

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