Chapter 8

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Everyone was recovered from the avalanche. That was good. Nobody was dead. Then there was no sign of Dipper. You haven't seen him at all. He must have not left the hospital yet.

"Can't wait to leave. I'm tired of the cold." Hardy whined, "And I want my laptop."

"To do what?"

"To write fanfics of course!"

You laughed as you all headed down the stairs with your things. The trip was over and everyone was heading home.

"It was fun while it lasted." Pacifica replied.

You and your friends went into the lobby where the other students were waiting. You only got to a corner before the crowd of people started to cry out and gasp, "He's back! Oh gosh!"

You looked back and could see the Gleefuls twins. Dipper was looking much better. Color back in his cheeks and was perfectly fine.

They were walking through the lobby, the crowd of people following them. Dipper stopped in the middle of the lobby, scanning the area. Mabel was just there in the middle of the lobby. Dipper then looked over to you. Your eyes meet. Then he walked over to where you were at.

"Oh crap." Hardy muttered.

"He's coming this way." Pacifica added.

"I know." You gave a determined face, "And I'm ready to get what he owes me."

Dipper then walked up to you, hands in his pockets, "So, (Y/N)...I heard that you were the one that saved me, eh?"

You placed your hands on your hips, "Yep and you owe me."

"Oh?" He tilts his head, "So stripping me down isn't enough of a favor for you?"

Your cheeks turned red as he gave this smirked, "That was nothing! I was saving your life! Without me you would have died! I wasn't even thinking about that!" Then you fold your arms, "Oh and you don't have that great of a body anyways. Too scrawny. No muscles at all. I don't see why the girls fall for you. It's a good thing that you always were long sleeve so people don't see your scrawniness." You smirked, "So no...that wasn't enough of a wasn't even a favor at all."

Dipper glared at you. You even saw his cheeks redden a bit. You tried to hold back your wide smile that you actually got to got to keep a strong face though.

"So what you truly owe taking back your blackmail that you have on me."

Dipper's eye brows perked up, "You are really digging yourself deeper and deeper down the hole, (Y/N)."

"It's just are even?"


Then Dipper ran his fingers through his hair, "Well I don't think I can do that."

"W-What? No! You have to take that back! Take that blackmail back, Gleeful!" You demanded.

"Oh why would I do that? That would ruin the how you are slowly raising your now everyone could hear."

You tighten your fists, "You are a jerk Gleeful...I'm just asking you to take that away and yet you have to be so stubborn to take it back and-"

"Oh I am going to reward you...I'm not that heartless am I?"


"Wow, harsh."

"All I want is that thing out of the table."

"I do have to admit are pretty smart. Saving my life as a deal to get the blackmail. Very smart...but you can't outsmart me." He smirked.

"Take the deal or I'll just blurt out everything. How much of a monster you are and what I had to do for you to save your life."

"Oh I think that would back fire on you. Every girl would be extremely upset."

"But they wouldn't have miss anything."

Dipper rolled his eyes, "Then of course they would understand why you would do such things...because you were raped and as a go after people. So people could feel your pain. I happened to be a victim as I was unconscious and you took advantage of me."

Your eyes widen, "W-What?! I-I...That isn't true!"

"Who would they believe?"

You had a hard time finding your words. Dipper smirked, "Exactly. See you are smart, knowing that you have been defeated. Nice try though." Then he tilts his head, "It's actually the best try...ever. Nobody has ever tried that before..."


Dipper then actually smiled, it wasn't a smirky was a real, soft, and charming smile. "So for the other thing, I do owe you something. Next Saturday, 7 o'clock, at the Diner and it's on me."

Your eyes widen, "What?"

"Don't worry it's on me. I am rich so I have the money to pay. It's the don't pay for anything."

"I will not go on a date with you." You growled, "It's call you owe me! Besides I don't want to go on a date with a selfish jerk."

"It's not a date." He went back his smirked, "I was more thinking of it as a thank you dinner but since you want it to be a date-"

"No I do not!" You snapped, cheeks red still. Why does he have to be such a jerk that ruins everything and use you! "I don't want the dinner or date or nothing. I just want the blackmail gone!"

"Alright...if you come to the dinner...I'll think about it."

"Think about it? I want-"

"tsk, tsk, so picky. Just be happy that I'm actually thinking about it if you go to dinner with me. By me thinking about it there could be a possibility of it being off the table. It's a chance, (Y/N)...take it now or it would be too late."

You tighten your fists, "I hate you so much, Gleeful."

Dipper smirked, "So it's date."

"It's not a date."

"It was just a phrase, sweetheart."

"And don't call me sweetheart."

Dipper rolled his eyes, "So picky on words. Not everything has a meaning, Sweetheart." Then Dipper went off upstairs with his sister to pack up. You tighten your fists, burning hot cheeks that are filled with hate.

"Well....that backfired..." Hardy muttered.

Pacifica elbowed Hardy in the gut, "Hardy!"

"Oops! Sorry, (Y/N)."

You didn't respond. You only stay in that hate look. "Oh no...she's stuck." Pacifica replied. Hardy and Pacifica came and tried to get you to relax, "Breathe! Breathe! Relax those shoulders! Take a deep breathe! Just think! Just this one stilly little dinner and you can get the blackmail away! Just it would take some time! Okay! Just breathe!"

Finally you got yourself to relax a bit, "I going to strangle him."

"You can do that later. You have to go to that dinner to get the blackmail away. Then you can strangle him because he has nothing to hold against you." Hardy replied.

You nod your head, "Yes and I would finally get rid of him."

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