Chapter 32

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Long time no see my readers! Sorry that I haven't been has gotten in the way and I haven't been able to write. So here we are! So oh ward so I would stop distracting you from reading.

Dipper POV

I headed back to the accident and the cops were there. "Stay back." One of them tried to stop me. I simply pushed him away, "Do you know who I am? Don't you even dare touching me again."

"But I can't have you pass the line." He grabbed my shoulder again.

I grabbed his wrist and twist is sharply as force him to his knees, "I said, don't touch me again!"

Then I force him to the ground as I walked passed him. Another officer came up to me, "What are you thinking?!"

"Look, I'm here to help. My friends were in that car and I want to know what happened."

"Mr. Gleeful..."

"Do you understand, captain? Am I not making myself clear?"

"Mr. Gleeful I understand you want to help but..."

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and yank him up to me, "Do you want to test me, captain? Or should I even say that? Do you know easy I can just snap my fingers and a new captain can just walk into your place in a matter of minutes?"

The captain seemed frighten, "N-No...I m-mean y-yes...Y-You can go straight a-ahead."

I gave a pleasing smile, "Oh that's so kind of you."

Then I release him and placed my hands on my hips, "So tell me what you have figure out?"

"Just a car lost control and rolled into the ditch."

"Lies! Another car hit them and forced them off the road. There is a witness, the driver of the car. Then another person in the car too, she was abducted and she is in labor."

"How do you know so much?"

"Well if you were doing your job correctly..." I growled.

He saw my glare and he started to get even more nervous, "Uh...Uh...We'll look into the street cameras for the car and see if anyone follows or anything..."

I rolled my eyes, "Argh! That is going to take too much time! You don't look who came here, you'll be blind. Look you came out."

"Of course! Of course! That second thought..."

I growled, "You're so useless." I then walked over to the car. They had put out the fire. My jaw tightens, "Don't (Y/N)...I'm going to find you."

"We found something here!" An officer called out.

I then looked back and headed to where the officer was. He was off to the other side of the road. There were tire marks in the mud. "The car was waiting here. By the tire marks and's been here for a while."

That made a hard not in my shoulders. Someone was waiting for her...This was all planned out, hard core planned out. Who in the world would abduct (Y/N)? Especially when she is in labor? This is bad bad bad....the babies could be seriously hurt...they could be still born or something. Accidents like this could cause that. I can' lose all three of them.

I rubbed my shoulders to hopefully loosen the stress.

"Mr. Gleeful?" The captain came up to me.

I looked at him, "I want you to find the person who did this and I want you to do this quickly. My girlfriend is missing and I want to find her, NOW!"

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