Chapter 31

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Dipper POV

I quickly headed up to the front desk of the hospital.

Holy crap! I'm going to be a father!

That, of course, wasn't the thing I was worried the most. (Y/N) could take care of herself, now the driver...not so much.

I headed up to the front desk, nearly out of breath. "(Y/N) (L/N)."

The nurse looked up at me, "Excuse me?"

"She came here and is in labor. I'm the father." I replied.

The nurse looked at the computer, "We don't have a (Y/N) (L/N). Are you sure she is in this hospital?"

"Of course! We discuss this that she would go to this hospital and be treated by Dr. William Banks."

"I'm sorry, sir, but she isn't here."

"What do you mean!?"

"She isn't here. I'm sorry sir, but I have to ask you to leave."

I growled as I left, "Dammit!" Then I pulled out my phone and called that Hardy/idiot. (Wow Dipper...thanks a lot)

The phone rang but she didn't pick up. I growled and I dialed her number again. She didn't pick up again.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I growled as I dialed (Y/N)'s phone. Even though Hardy can't talk and drive, (Y/N) should have answered it. (Y/N)'s phone also went to voice mail.

"What is going on!?" I growled.

I glanced around, thinking of what to do. Where are they? Why aren't they picking up? What was going on!?

I force myself to take a deep breath and relax, "Calm down, Dipper. Just go on the road they were going...maybe they have a flat tire or something. It happens..."

So I quickly headed off and got into my car and started to drive on the path they would have taken. At first there were no signs of them. The stress was starting to get to me. This was the first time that stress actually got to me.

Then I notice something as I was driving the quiet road. We picked a quiet and less taken road so Hardy could speed without getting caught. See I knew the cops better than I could sneak pass them of course.

There were tire marks on the road with glass and metal. I slammed on my brakes and looked over into a ditch. My heart instantly sank, "Oh gosh." I yank off my seat belts and car door and race down to the car.

The car was on its roof, all crushed up, and the strong smell of gasoline.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N!)" I called out for her in fear.

I heard coughing and a weak voice calling out, ""

I got to the driver's side and I could see Hardy who was barely conscious. She was cover in blood and bruises. I looked through the shattered window and Hardy to look on the passage's side and nobody was there. Frantically, I looked around to see if (Y/N) was thrown out of the car, "(Y/N)!" I screamed.

"T-They...t-took her...." Hardy spoke weakly.

I looked at her, "What!? Who did?! Hardy who!?"

Hardy shook her head. I growled. Then I looked over at the oozing river of gasoline. Then to make things worse, there was a small fire and the gas was coming straight for it...and the whole car was cover in gasoline.

"I'll get you out of here." I replied. I tried to get the door to open but it was all crushed up. I growled, "Always have to be difficult." Then I used my powers and I force the door to open. Then I use a piece of glass to cut the seat belt. I had my arms around Hardy to help her out of her upside down position. She wasn't moving very much, "Stop! Stop! I'm stuck under the wheel!" Hardy cried out in pain.

I curse under my breath again. Looking over at the gas and fire...they were so close together. This car was going to explode into flames in seconds. I wasted no more time. I used my magic to break the wheel apart. Then I pulled Hardy out and carried her up the ditch and away the car. Just in time as the car just exploded into flames.

"Are you alright?" I asked her.

She weakly nod her head, "I'm sorry...They came out of nowhere..."

"What happened exactly, Hardy?"

"We were just driving and this black van just came and smashed into us! We rolled into the ditch...and then well...I blacked out and very dazed...I heard people taking (Y/N) out of the car and leaving me there...driving away..."

I growled. This wasn't good. The car accident was huge...(Y/N) and the twins could be badly injured...and they took them. Why would they take them?! What was going on!?

I looked down at Hardy. She looked bad and weak. I had to deal with her first...I growled at myself. Then I quickly took her to my car and I drove down back to the hospital. I carried her inside the hospital. "Help! I need help! NOW!"

Then some workers came and placed Hardy on a stretcher. She grabbed my hand, "You have to find (Y/N)."

"Oh don't worry...I will."

Then the doctors took her. A nurse came up to me, "What happened?"

"Car accident. Just found it on the side of the road, 618 Gopher Road. Her name is Hardy Taylor." I replied quickly and straight forward. Then I headed off.

"Wait! Sir!" The nurse tried to stop me but I just walked away from her, "I got some people to hunt."

Your POV

You could hear this beeping sound as you groaned back to conscious. Then you could hear some people talking. You couldn't really pick up their voices. Everything was so foggy. You tried to move but your body hurt...and something was holding you down. You opened your eyes and looked around. The whole area was dark, only a single light above you.

There were machines all around you as you were on a bed. You tried moving but something was holding you down. You were strapped down to the bed. Just your wrists were strapped to the bed. You were in a hospital gown, you also notice, with machines hooked up to you. "W-What is going on?" You mumbled.

Then you cried out in pain as the pains of harsh contractions of labor hit you. The voices stopped talking.

"She's awake."

Then after a couple of seconds of the contraction, you were able to speak, "W-Who are you!? W-Where am I!?"

"Don't worry...your children are safe...the car accident didn't do any harm to the babies...I made sure of that. Can't have them dying...or at least both of them."


There was a dark chuckled, "Oh don't worry...I'll take great care of them."


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