Chapter 15

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Hey! Sorry I didn't update. I had a very busy week. So today i'm doing two weeks worth, so you get 6 chapters instead of 3 or 2. Here we go!

"P-Please....W-why are you doing t-this....I-I-I haven't done a-anything!" You pleaded.

"You know Gleeful....You'll do." He muttered.

Then he dragged you to where more of the people were. Some people saw this and panic, "He's got a knife!" A woman screamed. That is when everyone screamed in a panic and tried to get away from him.

"Everyone! Don't move or I'll kill her!" The drunken man shouted. The people continue to scream in a panic. "I said shut up! All of you!" He pressed the blade more to your throat. Tears gather at the corner of your eyes as your lip quiver.

Everyone was running away from the man, getting closer to the walls. Everyone but one who stood there nice and calm.


"Everyone...just calm down."

"Gleeful!" The drunken man snapped.

"Just calm down, will you?" Dipper replied, slowly approaching him.

"Shut up, Gleeful! And....And don't come any closer! I will kill her!"

Dipper stopped moving towards the man, "You're making a mistake."

"I'm making no mistakes! You and your sister killed my daughter!"

Dipper laughed, "Oh please! I've never killed anyone in my life."

"I saw you!"

"There is no proof."

"I saw you! with my own two eyes!"

"Two very drunken eyes." Dipper then placed his hands behind his back, "You are just trying to pin the blame on someone...someone like the Gleeful family since my father, may he rest in peace, kicked you out of your house. That's because you weren't paying the fees. My father had no was just business. Then my father and mother passed. My sister and I are the only ones left, so of course you blame us."

"That isn't the point!" he shouted. He was getting frustrated with Dipper. You were too by his mouth. Maybe he was trying to buy time but it just wasn't working. The man added more pressure to the blade and you could feel blood oozing out from your neck. You gave a whimper.

Dipper's face darken, his eyes glowing blue, along with his amulet, "you shouldn't have done that."

"I had enough talk! You're going to pay Gleeful!"

Then suddenly other men from the crowd pulled out knives or guns. People started to panic even more. Dipper chuckled darkly, "Oh you really think you can crash this party, threaten my princess, and threaten to practically kill everyone here?" He started to laugh.

"Do you think this is funny!? I'm not playing around!" The man shouted.

Dipper stopped laughing and wipes some tears at the corner of his eye, "Oh, I know you aren't playing around...But you don't know anything! It's funny how you could just waltz through here and think you can do this."

"Of course!"

"Do you know anything about this place? It's haunted."

The man laughed, "Haunted? Ha! You think that you can just pull that off?!"

"It's true. Rumors say that this ghost is brutal as it kills you....especially if you threaten the master of the house...or what the master of the house finds important." Dipper smirked as he started to approach the man that held you. The lights began to flicker.

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