Chapter 21

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You got into the car and started to drive back to Gravity Falls. You had to get the journal from Pacifica and Gideon. You tapped on the stirring wheel. It was late but luckily you slept all day so you were wide awake.

It was a quiet drive and long.

The sun was rising as you got back to Gravity Falls.

You quickly drove up to Pacifica and Gideon's house. It was the Shack that Gideon's father owns. You parked the car and threw some stones at the window of Pacifica's. She lived up in the attic.

Soon Pacifica came out and looked out in the window. She saw you and you waved her to come down. Pacifica nod her head.

You waited for a few minutes and Pacifica and Gideon came outside, wearing jackets over their PJ's. Pacifica came running towards you and hugged you tightly, "Oh my gosh! (Y/N)!"

You winced in pain and Pacifica quickly pulled back, "So Dipper was telling the truth that you got hurt."

"Doesn't matter." You replied, "We got something else we need to talk about."

"Of course!"

"(Y/N), what is going on?" Gideon asked.

"I need the journal you have."

Pacifica tilt her head, "Why?"

"If this is for your boyfriend..." Gideon growled, grabbed Pacifica's arm to pull her away form you.

"'s not just for him...and one he isn't my boyfriend."

"(Y/N), what is going on? You know we don't just give out the journal. The Gleefuls are after it." Pacifica replied.

"I know but...Look it's complicated."

"We got time." Pacifica replied.

You didn't answer.

Pacifica folded her arms, "We are your friends, (Y/N). Please. We need to know what is going on."

You sigh, "I don't want you to get hurt, too."

"Too? What do you mean? Who did this to you?" Gideon asked.

"He isn't a part of this." You muttered.

"He? Did Dipper do this to you?"

"No. Dipper wouldn't hurt me. He's been helping me. The first guy had nothing to do about that. It's...Ford."

"Ford? Stanford Gleeful? Dipper's great uncle?" Pacifica asked.


"So it is Gleeful." Gideon growled, "I knew it. You are with them. You are one of them!"

"No I'm not Gideon! I'm just trying to save people's lives! I saw it first hand as he was killing Dipper right in front of me. I have to get the journal or bad things happen to me and my friends will die...starting with Dipper."

"Well maybe one less Gleeful to deal with..." Gideon trailed off.

Pacifica elbows Gideon, "Stop it Gid." Then she face you, "What do you mean?"

"I was at Dipper's house after I was attacked. Then CSP workers came to take me away after Ford told me that bad things will start to happen. Dipper tried to stop them but then he started to cough out blood violently. He couldn't stop until Will pulled out a metal chip inside of him. Ford put that in him by sneaking it into his food then when Dipper was getting in the way...Ford activated it."

"CSP workers? Why would they be there?" Pacifica asked.

You sighed, "Do I really have to explain?"


"My father...he started to drink and grew drunk. He...started to get angry and..." You started to shake some more.

Pacifica gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand, "He abused you...oh gosh!" Pacifica hugged you, "I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I...I should have been there! Maybe this wouldn't have happened! I'm so sorry!"

You hugged her back tightly.

"Well then devoice and you never get to see him again. The CSP workers doesn't need to get involve to take you away. Your mom should be able to..." Gideon started but he trailed off as he looked at your face. You shook your head as tears streamed down your face.

"Oh gosh."

"There is something we must do." Pacifica replied.

"The journal...that is all. Ford...that's all he wants."

"We can't give Ford the journal."

Pacifica releases you from the hug, "We can do something else."

"But he's going to kill Dipper! Then he's going to kill you!"

"We have dealt with evil Gleefuls before, we can do it again."

"This is different."

"Well we just have to come with a different plan then. Don't you worry, (Y/N). We are going to figure this out."

Dipper POV

"M-Master! M-Master please wake up."

I groan through the thick muck. My mind felt so heavy. All I want to do is sleep. There was nothing to do but sleep.

"M-Master...oh please w-wake up..."

Why would I want to wake up? That would be too much work.

"M-Master please fight it....C-Come one...w-wake up! Miss (Y/N) i-isn't here...and-and the car is gone. M-Master?"

I felt myself being shaken. I groaned some more. He wasn't going to leave me alone and the car gone? (Y/N) is gone? what? Argh...I can't think...

"Y-You are almost t-there...c-c-come on M-Master."

I slowly opened my eyes. Everything was so foggy.


"Argh...w-whaaat?" I slurred.

"A-Are you d-drunk, M-Master? Will asked.

I weakly push him away from me, "Nooo...I'm not drunk....just...druuugged....(Y/N) druuuuged meee..."

"D-Drugged you?"

"Yesss you morrron!"

I sat up, my head sway as the weight seem to make things worse. My head pound, telling me to go back to sleep. I wanted to do that.

"W-Why would she d-d-do that?" Will asked.

"I don't know..." I mumbled, "But I'm plaaannning to find out."

I stood up but my knees just buckled and I would have falling but Will caught me, "M-Master?"

"Argh...The druuug...iss stiiilll in my syssstem." I mumbled.

"I th-think you need to g-go back to the manor, M-Master." Will replied.

I tried to say something but it just came out in mumbled gibberish. The world started to spin and I just went completely went limp. Will picked me up as I completely fell into darkness.

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