Chapter 5

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You slowly opened your eyes. The sound of the fire cracking came into view. You still felt really weak from the drug. You pulled the silky blanket closer to you as you closed your eyes again. All you wanted to do was sleep. Then you started to remember what happened to you. Joey...than a boy name Mason saved you. You opened your eyes and looked around.

You were in this dark room with only the fire being the only light of the room. You were laying down on the sofa. Your twisted ankle was on a pillow and ice was on top of it. When you turn your head you saw the figure of the man you saved you. It was still fuzzy and it was hard to see still and the bright light of the fire didn't help.

"M-Mason?" You mumbled.

Mason turned and looked at you, "Oh heard that."

Now he was angled towards you, the light from the fire brighten up his face as your vision cleared up. Your eyes widen, "Dipper!"

You then sat up more, "W-what are you doing here! Wh-Where is Mason!?"

"Calm down before you hurt yourself even more, plus be quiet!"

"Where is Mason!?"

"I'm Mason."

"But your name is Dipper."

"It is. Both of them are my name. Mason is my real name but I like to be called Dipper."

You just looked at him. You grabbed the silky blanketed for comfort but then you realize it was actually his cape that he wore for the show. You tighten your jaw, actually mad at yourself for thinking it was some hero.

Rubbing your temple to hopefully help with your head ache.

Then Dipper threw a shirt at your lap, "Put this shirt on. I'll be back. Better have that shirt on when I come back." Dipper then left, gently closing the door. You looked at the shirt. It was nice and silky and fancy. You then put on the shirt and button it up. Right as you button it up the door opened and Dipper came around the corner and held out a cup, "Here."

You looked at it.

"It's just tea to help with the drossiness of the drug and the head ache. Trust me, I'm not going to drug you. I don't believe in that."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't believe you should drug someone to make love. It only works if both people want it. It's just common sense. Besides you aren't my type at all."

You looked at the tea. It did smell good and seem warm. So you took the tea into your hands and started to drink it.

"You can keep the shirt. It's one of Mabel's old shirts; just don't wear it in public. She knows all of them by heart and will know that I took one if she sees it outside." Dipper replied as he faced back to the fire.

"Why are you doing this for me?" You asked.

"Because...Joseph was someone I've always tried to end. He's been doing this a lot you know. He move town and town, changing his name and look. Then he will find girls that he likes and will date them for a bit and find a perfect time to act. After that he will drugged them and rape them. If you are lucky your parents would be gone for one night...most are not. After he's done with the girl, he would just move on. The girls of course would tell their parents and cops but he always gets away." Then he sigh, "About the end of the school year last year...His name was Mike and he was dating Mabel."

Then he faced me, "She and you are the only ones that escape. Mabel managed to get herself out just in time and I got you in time. I may be heartless but nobody can be that heartless to use a girl like that. Especially when someone was going to use my sister...they shall burn."

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