Chapter 17

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(Read this chapter with caution. There is a lot of violence. Just want you readers to be safe.)

You screamed out in pain as your father hit you again and again with the stool. He kept hitting you until the stool broke against your back. Dad just threw it to the side, stumbling on his drunken feet and grabbed the beer bottle on the island and started to drink it.

You just lay there, sobbing and coughing out blood.

"You are always annoying..." Dad growled. "Always complaining, being a pest, and...getting in the way..." Dad drank some more, "Had to be careful with that witch...all she wanted was to protect you. A little brat!" Dad continue to drink some more, "Of course she will always protect a brat like you. The creature made you! I thought this will be best for all of us...I thought this would be fun....but NNnnnnOOOooo. Have to be a piece of crap!"

He finish drinking the bottom.

"And it's all of your fault!" He threw the bottle at you. You screamed as the glass hit you, some of the left over beer burned your wounds.

"I never wanted you. I wanted a son or no children at all! Instead I got stuck with a life stealer!" He started to kick you in the ribs over and over. You screamed some more.

"Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP!" Dad screamed.

Then he stumbled back and ends up crashing to the wall. You sobbed harder, but it hurt so much to breathe. "P-Please! S-stop!" You begged through wheezes.

Dad just looked around, "I need more drinks..."

Then he looked at you.

You shook violently as he gave you that look. Tears streamed down your face.

He just came and grabbed you by your hair and yank you to your feet. You cried out at the pain of your hair. Then he started to drag you to the door of the basement. He opened the door and threw you down the stairs.

You fell down the stairs, hitting every step hard. Then you just flop to the cement ground with a hard thud. There were a loud slam of the door, leaving you in darkness. You lay there in the darkness, sobbing in complete pain and the feeling of being alone.

You hear the sound of the front door closing.

"H-Help...Someone please help..." You sob softly.

Of course nobody was going to hear you. You were in the basement, saved to be dealt with later.

You couldn't move. Your body wasn't working and you felt so tired. You end up falling asleep on the cold floor.

There was a door slam that woke you up. You were in pitch first thinking that your father beating you was just a dream. Then the door opened of the basement. Then you started shaking in fear, "N-No." Your lip trembled.

Dad came down the stairs, barely able to not fall. He made it down on the cement floor with a bear bottle in his hand. He stumbled around the place, "People are so stupid! Today I got a call from your mother's boss saying why she didn't go to work today...ha! Can't he see that she is busy!" Then Dad laughed.

You just shook at his laugh.

Dad growled as he looked at his bottle, "Your stupid's all of her fault. She wanted me to get a new job. She wanted to move to the middle or nowhere! I hate my job! I hate my life! I hate her! I hate you!"

He then threw his bottle at you. This time the bottle was more filled with alcohol than before. Then he grabbed the nearest thing closest to him. That object was a cane. He hit you over and over again. Each time you screamed over and over, staining the ground with your blood. You end up passing out in the pain.

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