Chapter 20

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"What?!" Dipper demanded.

"(Y/N) is under the age of 18 with legal guardian to take her." Mrs. Carter replied.

"Into the foster system?! Are you out of your mind?! She is going to turn 18 soon, by that time she could stay with a friend." Dipper replied, "I already discuss this..."

"Discuss this?" Mrs. Carter asked.

Dipper folded his arms, "I'm a powerful man, Mrs. Carter, believe it or not. I have already talked about this to your director, Martin Thomas."

"Are director isn't Martin Thomas. We don't have a Martin Thomas in our office. Guess you called the wrong number...all powerful man."

Dipper growled, ready to rip the woman's throat.

You knew this was. Ford did something to sabotage Dipper.

"Oh no..." You started to tremble.

"I'm sorry but we have to do our job. Don't worry, she will be in a safe place."

"But not a better place." Dipper growled.

"Please don't make me do this, Mr. Gleeful." Mrs. Carter replied.

"No, don't make me do this." Dipper growled, his eyes glowing icy blue.

Mrs. Carter looked at the two men by her side. She nod her head and the two men started to come towards you. Dipper's eyes and amulet glowed even more and he forced Mrs. Carter and the two men were slammed into the wall. Will whimper as he stepped to the side as Dipper did what he was going to do.

"Dipper...stop...please." You reached for his hand. He stepped forward, away from your reach, "I warned you. Back! Off! Nobody will take or hurt my princess again and-" Dipper was interrupted by violent coughing.

"M-Master?" Will questioned hesitantly, taking a step forward.

You thought he choked on his spit or something but then you saw the blood. He was coughing out blood. That is not normal.

"Dipper!" You gasped out.

Dipper continued to cough out blood as his magic disappeared. The three CPS workers fell to the ground. Dipper even fell to his knees.

"M-Master!" Will rush to his side.

Dipper continued to cough violently, trying so hard to stop coughing out blood.

The three CPS workers got to their feet. "You get the girl." Mrs. Carter ordered, "I'll cheek the boy."

The two men started to head towards you.

"N-No! W-Will! D-Do something!" Dipper managed to wheezed out before coughing more.

One of them grabbed your arm before he froze completely still. All of the CPS workers were completely still. Then Will raised Dipper's head, holding him by the jaw. Then Will used his other's hand and reached in Dipper's mouth. Dipper cried out in pain, which was muffled by Will's hand in his mouth, as he grabbed Will's arm in a tight grip.

It was disturbing.

Then seconds later, Will pulled out his hand holding a small little metal chip. Dipper gasped out and coughed some more, spitting up blood.

"What is that thing?" You asked, horrified still. There was a metal chip in Dipper! What the heck!?

"I-I don't know..." Will muttered, looking at the chip, "I-It's s-s-something beyond m-my knowledge."

"Wh-What do you mean beyond your knowledge! You are a demon! You are supposed to know all, Cipher!" Dipper growled, he stopped coughing up blood.

"I-I don't know, M-Master..."

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