Chapter 11

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Dipper POV (3 hours Before the Dance)

"Please! Please don't do this!" The man begged. I played with the tip of my knife, "And why would I listen to you, eh?"

The man actually started to sob, "Please! I have a family..."

"We'll kill them too."

"W-What!? N-No! Please! Not my family!"

"Then tell us what we want. What are the codes?"

"I don't know what codes you are talking about! Please!"

"Wrong answer!" I threw the knife into the man's leg. He screamed up in pain.

"I'm done playing these games!" I then slam my fist on the table, "What are the codes!"

"I don't know what the codes are!"

"Lies! I know you know the codes and I'm going to find out what they are. Doesn't matter how long it takes....I got all night."

"You really don't have a heart, kid." The man's voice suddenly change. Before he was all whinny and crying. Now he got this stern and deeper voice that spoke. I was very confused on his sudden change, "Wha-" I didn't get to finish my sentence because the man somehow got free from one of his wrists bonds and he reached up and grabbed my throat. Once he grabbed my throat he just started to squeeze as hard as he could.

He sat up a bit, adding more pressure. I couldn't breath and I grabbed his hand, trying to get it away from me.

"You want the code? Well you are not going to get it, brat!"

My vison started to blurred. I reached out and used my amulet powers to make a knife come into my grasp. It came and I stabbed him in the chest. His gripped tighten as he cried out in pain. I was growing weaker as I couldn't breathe. I twist the blade and he finally get go of my throat but he jerk my amulet off of my neck.

I started to cough out violently and wheeze for breath. At this time Mabel came in, "What in the world is going on here?"

Before anything else could happened I felt myself being lifted up in the air. That jack head was using my amulet! How dare he!

Before any of us could do anything, I was thrown across the room, hitting a wall with my back and hitting my head on a table. After that...the world just grew dark.

The next thing I knew was waking up with a hug head ache. I groaned as I started to wake up. "Oh Master! T-Thank g-g-goodness th-that you ar-re alr-right!" Will cried out as I think he push on the ice pack on my head a little bit more.

"He wasn't dead." Mabel growled, "Just a moron that couldn't get the job done!"

"Oh shut up." I mumbled.

Then I sat up. "Oh M-Master I-I don't think-" Will tried to push me back down but I slapped his hands away, "I can do what I want! Just a head ache."

I looked over at Mabel and she had a knife cut on her cheek, "I guess you didn't get off so easily."

Mabel glared at me, "Well after you got knocked out I was about to kill the moron but he had your amulet still and threw a knife at me."

"Speaking of my amulet, where is it?"

Mabel paused for a moment, "Well...Um...when he threw the knife at me and cut my cheek, I had to kill him and he had such a tight grip on it already..." Mabel then held out my amulet and it was broken. The gem was busted.

"You broke it!" I shouted.

"Well look at me! There is a dance tonight and I look like a horror!" She snapped back.

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