Chapter 14

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It's time for the part. The Christmas party that Dipper invited you. You were looking at your closet, "There is nothing to wear."

Usually you don't care what you look like but this was a fancy party and you don't want to make a fool of yourself. That would just be horrible.

There was a knock on your door. You look and saw your mother. You smiled, "Hey Mom."

"Hey, sweetie. This just came. It's for you." She came in with a box.

"Me? From who?"

"Doesn't say."

Then Mom smiled, "Is it from a boy?"


Mom chuckled, "Just playing with you sweetie." Then she set the box down. That is when you notice this bruise on her arm. "Mom? Where did you get that bruise?"

Mom looked down at her arm, "Oh! I must have ran into the book shelf. You know how a cluz I am."

You hummed, "Yeah..."

"Anyways, do you want to open this up?"


Together you and your mother opened the box. Both of your eyes widen. "Oh honey!" Mom gasped out as you pulled out the amazing dress. It was a green dress with the white fluff of Christmas and a red ribbon was your waist will be. "It's beautiful!" Mom gasped out.

You couldn't believe your eyes either. It was quite beautiful and you never had this fancy of a dress. Mom reached in the box too see if there was anything else as you stared at the dress, eyes still widen and jaw dropped a little.

"There is a note." Mom announced. She opened up the small little note and read it out loud, "Here we go, sweetheart."

The shock of the dress just went away, when Mom read 'sweetheart'.

Dipper Gleeful.

"There is no name....and sweetheart?" Mom then gasped, "You have a boyfriend!"

"He's not my boyfriend." You growled.

"Oh? Then why does he call you sweetheart?"

"It's this nickname he calls me. It's nothing Mom." You tried to explain but your mother wasn't buying it, "Honey, when someone says 'sweetheart' that is a sign of something."

"Yes, yes, I know. He likes me."

Mom's eyes widen, "He likes you!"

"Yes but I don't like him back."

"Oh honey!" Mom cried out, "You are just lying to yourself! I could so tell that you like him too."

"I do not! He is a selfish spoiled little rich boy that is a huge jerk and care for nothing but himself. He's just doing this to please himself. That is it. He's just toying with me for his entertainment."

"A selfish spoiled little rich boy?"

"Yes! He's is a selfish spoiled little rich boy! He is used to getting all that he wanted and now...I'm going to make sure that he isn't going to get me."

"So he's rich..."

"Mom! It doesn't matter if he has money or not! I'm not interested in him!"

"Okay, okay." Mom replied. Then she gave a warm and gentle smile as she grabbed your hand, "It's whatever you think or do. I'm with you."

You smiled back, "Thank you Mom."

Suddenly Dad came in, "What's going on here?"

"Nothing dear. Just...talking about the party she is going to." Mom replied. She looked away from him, like advoiding his eye. You notice that something was in his coat pocket but couldn't tell what it was.

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