Goodbye! The Final Chapter

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I woke up, seeing the bears' smiling faces. I kinda feel ok but still afraid of losing them.

"Good morning (Your name)!" Greeted the bears.

"Good morning bears." I gave them a smile.

We ate breakfast together. Then Panda thought of an idea.

"Guys! Lets go the mall."

"But we've been to the mall yesterday, remember?" Said Grizzly.

"Yeah, but we can go there again. After all, (Your name) spent dollars for treating us. Now, its our treat to have fun with her." Said Panda.

"Panda is right." Added Ice Bear.

"I don't know guys. Maybe you should save your money for important stuff." I rejected their offer.

"But your important to us." Said Panda.

I remained silent. Then PanPan whisper something.

"We can buy you headphones."

My eyes grew big, looking at Panda.


"Can we bring my girlfriend too? I kinda miss her already." Grizzly interrupted.

"Of course!" I replied.

Grizzly was so happy, then he called Alyssa to come here at our house so that we will go to the mall together. Girls, find a guy that is like Grizz. He will always find a way to see you and be with you. ;)

"Babe!" Grizzly ran to Alyssa and hugged her. So sweet! "I miss you so much."

"I miss you too, Grizz!" Alyssa replied.

Ice Bear soars his throat to stop their PDA. The both of them looked at the 3 of us.

"Oh, hi Panda, Ice Bear, and (Your name)!" Alyssa greeted us with an awkward laugh.

"Hi Alyssa!" Panda, Ice and I greeted her back.

"So, are we all ready going to the mall?" I asked them.

They all shouted "YES!!!". Then we went to the mall. We ate lunch there, watched a movie and as what PanPan promise, he bought me headphones.

Panda's POV:
"Hey Bro, are you sure you're gonna pay everything?" Grizzly asked me.

"Uh, no! You and brother should help in paying." I replied.

"What?!" Grizz got upset.

"Ice Bear should have stayed at home." Said Brother.

I told them "Come on guys. We should treat her because she was the one who paid everything we wanted yesterday,  remember?"

"Oh... ok Bro." Replied Grizz.

We paid everything for her... while Grizz treated Alyssa.

Before we went home, I went to a souvenir shop to buy Dreamcatcher  for each of us, but then I saw a big dreamcatcher, and made me remember of (Your name). I decided to buy it for her.

When I gave it to her, she smiled and said.

"Thank you Panda. This will make me remember of the 3 of you."

I don't get it. Why would she remember us by the dreamcatcher? Its making me curious.

"What do you mean, 'this will make me remember of the 3 of you?'" I asked her.

Her eyes grew big, its like she slipped her words but I don't think so... She is hiding something.

"Huh? I mean this dreamcatcher will make me remember the first day the 4 of us met. My dream came true that I can see you in person." She replied.

Then I replied "Oh, ok..."

"This is the best day ever, guys!" Said Alyssa happily. "Hanging out with my boyfriend, Grizz with his brothers, Panda and Ice Bear, and of course... (Your name)."

(Your name) had something to say... but then the world became strange. The wind became stronger unlike usual windy days. Its like the sky is falling!
What on earth is going on?!

"I knew this day would have come." Said (Your name).

"What do you mean?" Alyssa asked her.

"I knew that the portal would come back and the bears will leave us." She replied.

"Why didn't you tell us about this?!" Grizz shouted at her unexpectedly.

"I thought it was just a dream, but then this happened! After spending here with us for almost 2 years, the portal will just drag you back to your world and make us feel being left behind by the people-- I mean bears who we love so much!" She also shouted at Grizz.

This is how she will feel if we are going to leave her?

"Being alone sucks! It makes me feel incomplete, and now, you 3 will just scold me like this and get dragged by the portal?!" She asked us, and I noticed that she started crying.

I felt guilty... even my brothers.

Grizz's POV:
I don't know what to say... for 1 year of being stuck in reality, this is what we get from (Your name), secrets?!

But I didn't mean to shout at her... I just got upset for a while, but after I saw her crying, it broke my heart because I made my sister cry... we made our sister cry.

Ice Bear's POV:
{A\N: Ice Bear, do you have anything to say?}

Ice Bear finds self guilty. That's all.

Panda's POV:
Something just shined... its the portal! Oh my gosh, we are so happy!

"Yey, we can now go home!" I shouted cheerfully.

"Me too!" Said Grizz.

"Ice bear too..." Said brother.

Suddenly when I glanced at (Your name), she frowned and walked away.

Reader's POV:
I'm glad that they can finally go home.

*"Shut up, (Your name)! Are you really glad for them or not?"* Said my conscious.

Can we just concentrate on the portal part rather than my mood?!


So anyway, I walked away for a few steps... but Grizzly grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going (Your name)?" Asked Grizzly.

"Alyssa and I are going home. Besides, its time for the 3 of you to go." I replied.

Panda and Ice Bear went near us and hugged me tight.

"We are gonna miss you. Always remember that." Said the bears.

"Can you guys just stay here for a little while?" I asked them, and a tear from my eye came out.

Ice Bear wiped my tear and said "I think its best if we should go. (Your name), even if we cant stay here forever, just imagine that we are always here by your side." He speaks in 1st person.

"Stop joking Ice Bear! Imagining isn't enough." I told him.

"I'm not joking. If you keep saying that, its like you don't believe in us."

Grizzly went to Alyssa and said "Babe... this might be our last meeting. I think its best if we will break up because I know I can ever come back in this world. You deserve someone better. I want you to be happy with him more than I did. Goodbye Alyssa. *kisses her on the forehead*"

"I'll miss you Grizz." Said Alyssa to Grizzly.

"I'll miss you too." He replied.

The bears went near the portal and shouted "Remember girls, Believe is all you need." And left...

Alyssa and I might be left by our "family", but I will always put in my head that the bears are still here by our side...

The End... Or is it???

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