Chapter Forty Nine Six Months Later

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Niall's POV

It's been six months since Natalie was in the hospital. She's doing a lot better and is stronger than ever. The lads and I are done with tour for right now since the lads are getting married.
"It's about time that the lads are getting married. To be honest, I was scared for Louis." I say to Natalie.
"Why do you say that?" She asks getting Bexley ready.
"Have you seen the way he acts sometimes? He's random." I say laughing.
"Like you weren't? You two are just alike. Where do you think Bentley gets it from? Other than his eating habits." She says looking over at me.
"You got me there love. He learned from the best." I say chuckling.
"Your right. Remind me to thank Harry for that." She says.
"I was talking about me." I say crossing my arms.
"Daddy, it's not nice to yell at mum. She's working on my hair." Bexley says furrowing her eyebrows.
"Haha I'm sorry princess. Want me to apologize to mummy?" I ask getting down on one knee. She nods.
"Natalie, I'm sorry that I yelled." I say looking up.
"I accept your apology. Bexley you can go now. Your hairs done." Natalie says using the last of the hair spray.
After she ran off to play, Bentley sat down where Bexley was before him.
"Boy Benny, looks like you need a haircut." Natalie says looking at his hair.
"Come on Nat, he don't need it cut." I say looking at his hair.
"Niall, if his bangs are in front of his eyes, then it's getting a trim. If it makes you feel better, I'll call Lou to see if she can do it." She says getting out her phone.
After she talks to Lou, she smiled. I knew immediately that I was going to loose this fight at all.
"Hey Bentley, do you wanna play a game?" I ask in a whisper.
"What kind of game?" He asks in the same tone I used.
"It's called, hiding from mum. We hid outside in our hidden tree fort that way mum don't find us." I explained.
  "Ok let's go." He says jumping from his seat at the table.
  Once we get outside, I picked him up as we reach where the fort was.

Natalie's POV

  "It's about time that the lads are getting married. To be honest, I was scared for Louis." Niall says.
"Why do you say that?" I ask as I get Bexley ready for a party tonight.
"Have you seen the way he acts sometimes? He's really random at the worst times." He says laughing.
"Like you weren't? You two are just alike. Where do you think Bentley gets it from? Other than his eating habits." I say looking over at him.
"You got me there love. He learned from the best." Niall says chuckling.
"Your right. Remind me to thank Harry for that." I say turning away.
"I was talking about me." Niall said crossing his arms.
"Daddy, it's not nice to yell at mum. She's working on my hair." Bexley says furrowing her eyebrows.
"Haha I'm sorry princess. Want me to apologize to mummy?" Niall asks getting down on one knee. She nods.
"Natalie, I'm sorry that I yelled." Niall says looking up.
"I accept your apology. Bexley you can go now. Your hairs done." I say using the last of the hair spray.
After she ran off to play, Bentley sat down where Bexley was before him.
"Boy Benny, looks like you need a haircut." I say as I looked at his hair.
"Come on Nat, he don't need it cut." Niall says looking at his hair.
"Niall, if his bangs are in front of his eyes, then it's getting a trim. If it makes you feel better, I'll call Lou to see if she can do it." I explain getting out my phone.
After I talks to Lou, I smiled. I knew that I was going to win this argument. Niall had a look of pure shock on his face. I walked into the living-room so I could talk to her more.
  "Thanks Lou. I'll see you in a couple of minutes. Bye." I say hanging up.
  When I get back to the kitchen Niall and Bentley weren't there. I look around the house and still can't find them.
  "Bexley, have you seen bubba and daddy since you came upstairs?" I ask walking into her room.
  "No mummy. Not since downstairs." She says looking up from her dolls.
  "Ok thank you baby. I'll call you when it time to go. In the mean time, can you pack a small bag of toys for you and bubba to play with at the party?" I asked before leaving.
  "Yes mummy." She called.


  "Hey Natalie. I hope you don't mind but I brought Lux with me." Lou says walking into the house.
  "No not at all. She can keep Bexley company while I look for the boys." I explained as I look in the closet.
  "What do you mean? How could they disappear?" Lou asks.
  "That is a good question. The car isn't here and Niall never leaves without his phone so I'm guessing that they're still here somewhere." I explain.
  "When did they disappear?" She asks looking with me.
  "While I was on the phone with you. Niall threw a fit that I wanted Bentleys hair cut a little." I say.
  "Wait, didn't you tell me that he was going to build him and Bentley a little fort?" Lou asks looking at me.
  "You know what, now that you mention it, I forgot all about that." I say before running out the back door.
  "I'm gonna stay with the girls." Lou calls from the pouch.
  When I got to where the fort was, I heard laughing. I knew immediately that it was Niall and Bentley. So I quietly snuck up to the fort to scare them.
  "You know, you shouldn't hide when it's time to get a haircut." I say once I get inside.
  "You said mum wouldn't find us." Bentley says looking over at Niall.
  "I didn't think she would bubba." Niall says shaking.
  "Come on boys. Let's go get a haircut." I say smiling in victory.

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