Chapter 1

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"I'm leaving," I scream at Adam with tears streaming down my face. "And I'm not coming back. Have a nice life, dickhead."

"Just give me another chance, Blaize. I can be better." He grabs my wrist and holds onto it extremely hard. It hurts so badly that I just want to crumple to the floor and beg him to release his grip on me, but I have to seem strong or else I'm never going to be able to get away from him.

When I don't break like he expects me to he seems slightly stunned, but it's just enough for me to be able to pull my wrist away from him and back to my own side. Even though it is currently throbbing, I can't show it. I back away from him, but not in a way that makes it seems like I'm scared of how he is right now. Don't get me wrong, I'm petrified at the moment, but that doesn't mean he should know that I am.

I glare at him and keep my voice steady, not letting it come out shaky for fear of him seeing my weakness. "I'm fucking done giving you second chances. You always say that to me when you know you've screwed up, but you still haven't changed. I'm not going to waste my life on you when I know damn well that nothing is going to change. There's nothing you can say to me that will make me change my mind or take you back again. We're over, so don't bother calling me and don't ever come to my house again. Not unless you want me to call the cops on your stupid ass!" I run out of the house and slam the door so hard behind me that the window shatters. Without giving it a second thought I make a mad dash towards the woods around Adam's house because, as I know from the past, the woods are the place safest from him. I know the woods much better than he does seeing as he claims to hate it out here. Also, I can maneuver around the trees and underbrush much more effectively than him. He's more bulky and muscular in his upper body while I'm thinner and more muscular in my legs than anything else. 

I run until I reach the creek, only stopping once I get up in my favorite tree. Then, I begin to look for cuts and bruises. While I'm checking my legs I see something move out of the corner of my eye, so I look in the general direction and spot a wolf. 'Shit, shit fuck my life!' I'm internally screaming. It walks over to the creek, limping, and crumbles to the ground. No matter how terrified I am I still have a little voice in my head pushing me to go help it and I can't seem to ignore it. A bear or another wolf could come and kill it. Against my better judgment, I climb back down my tree and cautiously walk to it. It looks at me and whines a bit, but doesn't move or try to attack. Once I'm able to get a good look at it, I see that its front leg is bleeding profusely. "Wait here and don't move, I'll be right back with my truck," I tell it. Why am I talking to a wolf? I must be going insane, guess it just runs in the family. 

My truck is parked along the creek for today because I sat at the creek for a while before walking to Adam's house. When I reach it I jump in the driver's seat and drive back to where the hurt wolf is, then I get out and open the back door. Since I'm not strong enough to carry its full weight, I just help as much as I can to get the poor thing in the back.

In my rush to get back home, I go about 80mph in a 65mph zone. Luckily, nobody is on the roads I take going towards my house, so I won't get a ticket. Since I speed it took 20 minutes instead of about 35-40 minutes like it usually does to get to my house. Once there, I help it walk inside and put it on the couch. I know that that's not exactly the brightest thing to do. My excuse is that I wasn't thinking because I don't know what else could cause this level of stupidity.

Quickly grabbing a wet cloth, I wipe the blood away and see something weird inside the wound, but I'm not sure what it is. I make a mad dash to the bathroom and pull open the drawer to dig around until I find my tweezers and some other first-aid things. I rush back into the living room to the side of the couch. I'm trying to stay calm but my hand won't stop shaking. "Damn-it!" I swore. "Never liked the game Operation and I sure as hell don't enjoy this. Calm the fuck down right now Blaize!" I take a few deep breaths and just get the thing over with. When I finally feel something hard hit the tweezers I quickly grab it and pull it out. "What the," I mutter pulling out something metallic. I quickly realize that it's a bullet. One of the many things I can't understand right now is how this wolf got shot in the first place?

I look at it and see that it has fallen asleep. Weird. Seeing that it's getting dark outside I just decide to go to bed, because there's no way I'm going to be able to carry a wolf out of my house. I really hate being weak sometimes, because I would really rather sleep in a wolf-free house thank you very much.

After I lock my bedroom door I crawl under the comforter. Usually, my mind wanders, causing me to not be able to fall asleep for a long time, but tonight I am overcome by sleep within a matter of seconds. 

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