Part 9: Dazed and Confused

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//Kayla's POV\\

After Mikey dropped me off at home, I told my brother I went home because I was sick. He didn't buy it. But whatever. Mikey on the way to dropping me off at home, invited me to a party tomorrow. I of course said yes. Who doesn't like a good party every once and awhile? I text Mikey to thank him again for dropping me off.
Then I turn off my phone and sit on the couch and watch Netflix. I decide to watch ahs. My eyes get very heavy and next thing I know I doze off.

//Mikey's POV\\

After I dropped off Kayla, I decided to just skip the rest of school. What's the point anyway. I'm failing in all my classes. I headed to skateboard park to meet Bryce. (who is skipping with me) I  find a park spot and hop out of my car and see Bryce. I don't actually skateboard neither does Bryce but I though I'd be a good place to hang out. "Hey, what's up?" he says.
"Angelina and her friends"
"Dude honestly I'm glad you broke with up her" he says.
"I mean yeah. But how come you never said anything to me."
"Cause she's hot and I want to get some of that"
"Whatever you can have her, but tell her to leave me and Kayla the hell alone."
"I can invite her to this party I'm going to and maybe kick some sense into her."
"Okay. I better head to Kayla's house to check on her. She was pretty upset today."
"K see ya later Mikey." He says and I walk away back to my mom's car. I decide to park further from my house so my mom doesn't realize I skipped school today. And I text Kayla to see if she is awake.

//Kayla's POV\\

I wake up to my phone buzzing. I get three texts; one from Mikey, one from my dad, and one from John.
Mikey: Are you okay?

Dad: Just got a call from your school telling me you weren't there today?

John: cut the bs and tell me what actually happened today. Do I need fight someone?

Oh crap. I decide to text my dad back first.

Me: I wasn't feeling well.

Dad: that's not what john told me. He told me you have been hanging around this new guy "Mikey" and he took you home who is not a good influence I hear! big talk tonight young lady.

I change over to my brother who I'm totally pissed at right now.


John: I'm just looking out for you. I've heard a lot of things about Mikey.

Me: stay in your own business.

And then I click on my message with Mikey. The only person I actually want to talk to.

Me: yeah I'm alright. How's school?

Mikey: I'm skipping. Look outside your window!

I hop out of my bed and look out my window to see Mikey. I run downstairs and open the door for him.
"Hey Mikey" I go up to him and give him a hug.
"I'm so glad your here. My dad is really mad at me about missing school today. And my brother is making it worse." I say as I pull away from him.
"What did your brother say?"
"He told my dad I've been hanging out with you and your a bad influence on me."
His face goes from happy to see me to upset.
"Do you believe any of what John thinks of me?"
"Of course not." I say as I hug him and the door opens and I back up off from Mikey to see my dad standing in the doorway.

{Author's Note}
Sorry it's been like a month since I've updated. I've been sick almost all winter break and coming back to school I've been still sick. And I just want to put out my best work and I can't thank you guys enough for 4K+ views😭❤️

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