Part 14: Fustration

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//Kayla's POV\\
I head back to my house and I knock for someone to come answer the door. A moment later my brother answers the door. He sees it looks as I was just crying- which is true.
"What's wrong Kayla?" He says while shutting the door behind me walk in.
"I need to tell you & dad something." I say as I notice my dad making himself coffee.
"What is it sweetheart?" My dad says across from the kitchen.
I go over to sit on the couch. And my dad & brother come to join me on the couch.
I tell them everything Mikey told me. My brother looks angry. My dad is hoping for the best but he is scared for my brother & me.
I hug my dad & brother.
"We are gonna be okay guys. If your mother comes here or gets in touch with you guys please tell me & I will get the police involved." my dad firmly says.
Me & my brother quickly say okay at the same time.
This whole thing brings me back to when my parents got divorced & we had to leave. When my parents got divorced- my dad got full custody and my mom is not allowed to near us because of her past with all of us. I'm so scared but I keep thinking about how Mikey was telling me she went to rehab. I don't know what think she used to be a pathological liar so I don't know if it is true or not. I see my brother began to break down crying.
He begans to curse & is talking about how he hates our mom. My dad tries to call him down. But John storms out of the house and takes the car & drives away.
"Crap- Kayla we gotta go find him. He shouldn't be driving while he is in this state of mind." My dad says.
"I'll ask Mikey if we can borrow his mom's car."
I say as I quickly run out the door to Mikey's house. I abruptly knock on the door until I hear the door unlocking. He opens.
"Mikey can I borrow your mom's car- my brother took the car & he is really angry." I say.
"Yea of course. Here's the keys. Do you want me to come to look for him too?" He says.
"Yes please." I say as he begins to follow me to the car.

SIDENOTE- I forgot to put in Mikey's POV he doesn't have crutches anymore.

He goes towards the back of the car while my I toss the keys to my dad over the top of the car. He catches them and unlocks the car. I hop in the front seat & Mikey sits in the back seat. He begans to drive...
"So where do you guys think he would be?" Mikey says.
"We haven't been living here that long so I really don't know..." my dad says.
I think about it. And it hits me.. when he gets angry he goes to boxing rings to blow off steam.
So I tell my dad and we head to the nearest boxing ring.
About 5 minutes later we arrive. We all open our doors and quickly my dad starts to head inside. While I wait for Mikey to full get out of the car. He puts his arm around me & we walk inside. We look around and spot my dad with guess who- John.
We quickly run over to them.
"What were you thinking?" my dad says.
"I am just trying to clear my head dad. Can you just leave me alone for a while? You can take the car- I'll just get a friend or an uber to bring me back." john says.
"John- you scared us." I say.
"Well I am here. Still alive so just leave me alone." he replies back.
I understand where he is coming from. I guess we'll just leave him here and hope he is okay. Our mom probably was the worst to him. She would hurt him & say all this stuff to him. And he just doesn't want to bring back those memories.
"Dad let's just left him stay here." I say.
"Okay fine- John you better text in half an hour or I'm coming back to find you." He says.
We head out of the door.
"I'll take our car and you guys can ride together." My dad says to me & mikey.
"Hey dad- is it okay if me and Mikey go to the park for a little bit?" I say.
"Yea sure. Just be back soon." My dad replies back.
I head for the drivers seat since Mikey's leg still isn't feeling totally better.
"Are you okay to go to the park I just wanted to get away from the house for a bit?" I say to Mikey.
"Of course." He says as he leans over and kisses my forehead.

Author's Note
Hey guys- thank you so much for 16K+ reads. I appreciate it so much! I am trying to make new chapters as much as I can.

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