A distraught Dr. Eiru left Stacy's hospital room and began to walk toward the train station. Gin followed behind him, and they both sat down in their respective seats in the VIP car of the train.
Gin turned to him. "Hey... Why are you so upset?"
Dr. Eiru said with irritation in his voice, "Well, I don't have a best friend -- who also happened to ALMOST DIE because of a letter that I didn't send."
As the train screeched to a stop in front of their orange house, they exited the train and walked into the house. Gin was trying to console him and pretend that everything was just fine. "Yeah, I can understand why you'd be upset, but look on the bright side -- now we know that the formula doesn't work! Stacy will forget all about it and everything will be just super duper...and..."
Dr. Eiru couldn't stop himself from cutting her off and drilling into her with questions, "Give it to me straight, Gin, and don't you dare lie to me..." Dr. Eiru was too devastated to hear answers and continued on his tirade.
"Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed when the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Well then, think of what you did.
And how I hope to god he was worth it!
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing..." (Panic! At the Disco, Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off)
Gin realized that she had been caught and didn't hesitate to twist reality back on Dr. Eiru, "Did you not get any of my hints? You are always at work, paying no attention whatsoever to me! Your wife! Personally, I think that you don't deserve to be in love with me!"
Aghast, Dr. Eiru uttered, "Gin... What are you saying?"
Gin admitted to causing Dr. Eiru's biggest nightmare and turned everything around. She blamed him and shouted, "I'm saying that I was the one who sent that letter! When you were working late last night, you gave me just the right amount of time to head off to the post-office and send 'your' letter!"
Dr. Eiru couldn't contain his anger and shouted, "That isn't it! Don't pretend I don't know you sent that letter! Do you have anything else to say for yourself?"
Gin sighed... "All right, I admit it. There is someone out there I have wanted to love. The only thing that was getting in the way was this stupid wedding ring!"
Dr. Eiru cut right to the heart of the matter and said, "If there's someone out there, why didn't you just cheat on me instead of destroying my friendship?"
Gin admitted, "Well, I couldn't just do that... He was too morally upright. He would never betray his best friend's trust by helping me cheat on you! He... ."
Dr. Eiru finally awakened and was now able to hear and see the truth about his wife.
He said to Gin, "Wait, wait, wait... Best friend? Gin, are you saying that you are in love with Stacy?
Gin denied everything, "No, honey, we're just friends and I can't believe that you would be so controlling as to not want me to spend time with an old friend from work." Reading out for her husband's hand she said, "You know that you're the one that I want."
Dr. Eiru was in a state of shock and disbelief. He had devoted himself to Gin, in good times and in bad times, and here she was lying to his face and pretending that everything was just fine when, in fact, he knew that Gin was deeply involved with Stacy. But Stacy was the best man at their wedding and would never have betrayed his best friend's trust. Gin knew this and had to find a way to crowbar herself into Stacy's life without her husband knowing. But, what Gin didn't know was that she was the fool.
Dr. Eiru knew she was being deceptive and disingenuous. What she said was a total insult to his intelligence. At this critical moment in his life, Dr. Eiru only had one choice. Either he protected his own integrity or he became part of a life of fraud and distortion. Dr. Eiru screamed at Gin for the first -- and last -- time in their marriage. "Friends?!? Really?!? Go to hell. Better yet, go run to him!"
Turning his back on Gin and walking away Dr. Eiru mumbled under his breath, "Stacy quit his job because of you! You're going to have a worse relationship with him than with me. He's not a businessman and wealthy like me or greedy like you. You're going to have to make it on your own. The luxury of a free schedule is no longer yours, Gin. Now GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! I'll be taking that ring, too. It's a family heirloom."
He snatched the wedding ring off Gin's finger. She quickly began packing her things.
Meanwhile, in the hospital, Dr. Benzedrine was busy filling out his resignation forms. Even though it was getting late out, he still was diligently pacing through the pages, filling out row after row of personal information. Suddenly, the door opened. Gin was standing in the hallway, carrying a bouquet of yellow flowers.
Gin said, "I'm sorry Dr. Eiru made you test your formula prematurely."
"Where did you get those flowers?" Dr. Benzedrine gasped.
Gin said, "Oh, they grow all over Hollywood Hills. Don't they smell amazing? Just like freshly squeezed orange juice...."
Dr. Benzedrine asked her, "Could you please put them by the door? I'm sorry, but I just can't be near those flowers right now because they smell just like formula that made me almost die."
Gin giggled and put the flowers down. She said, "I decided to divorce Brendan today. I discovered that he had no regard for human life and was too controlling. I mean, he didn't even want me to be friends with you. I think he's just jealous that I have close friends that are guys. He once told me that all of my guys friends are in love with me. Well, anyway, I had no reason to continue being married to someone like that. Right?"
Dr. Benzedrine was still recovering but felt sorry for her. "Holy smokes, Gin! I'm so sorry! I've never heard anyone ever describe him like that before..."
Gin got a little nervous and knew that she'd better say something that was a little more favorable about her husband. She said, "Maybe it was the work stress that got to him. After all, he was almost always at work. He never paid any attention to me, throughout our marriage."
Gin did it! She got Dr. Benzedrine to feel pity for her. He said,"I feel so bad for you. Well, if you feel like being away from him makes you happier, I suggest it."
Gin smiled and said goodbye to Dr. Benzedrine with a kiss on his forehead. She picked up the flowers and left with a wink.
America's Suitehearts: Season 1
Hayran KurguSeason 1 of America's Suitehearts. Only some of the episodes take place directly after each other, leaving space for people to use my AU for their own stories. Fan art, fan fiction, and other fan works are accepted, as long as you give credit to me...