Part 1

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~ ~ HUSBAND ~ ~

"H e lifts me up when I am down
U nderstands me like none other
S upports my every dream
B elieves in me no matter what
A ccepts me, flaws and all
N utures my heart and soul
D arn near perfect"

(Quote credit -

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(Monday, 10.30 AM)

"Stop! Stop!" A traffic constable stopped a two wheeler vehicle which was driven by a young girl.

"God! Madhu, I told you not to go in one way... see, now we got caught" Trishna scolded her friend Madhu

"Shut up, Trish. I will tackle him."

"Oh please no! Don't open your big mouth."

"We are in a hurry Trish. If we go by the other way then it will take more than one hour. This is the shortest way so I came by this side."

"But this is one way. We are not supposed to go. Now what justification you will give him?" Trishna asked her friend worriedly.

"Madam this is one way"

But this is my way! Madhu thought with a smirk.

"As if I don't know? Of course I see that Mr." Madhu looked at the name badge of the traffic constable & read it loud "...Sharman Joshi"

"If educated people like you violate the rules then why don't uneducated will do the same?" he asked. "Young educated citizens should be a role model to the society."

"Mr. Joshi, why don't you give this preach sitting under a banyan tree?"

"I thought to warn you & let you go but you speak too much..."


"Show me your license" He asked Madhu.

"Here" she produced him her license.

"Insurance is not renewed?" He checked the next set of papers. "No helmet..."

"I'm press reporter, Madhubala Malik!" Madhu cut him off. She hoped he will get scared & let her go Scot-free.

"So? You are just a press reporter not the president of India right?" Sharman Joshi asked her in a mocking tone. "Are you going to pay the fine or should I issue you a charge sheet Miss. Press reporter?"

"Okay, fine! I will pay the fine amount" Madhu said holding up her hands as if surrendering. She couldn't waste anymore with this guy.

"Good!" He smirked victoriously.


(Same day, 12. 30 PM)

"I hate that guy! If I see him I am gonna kill him!" Madhu shouted in frustration.

"Which guy, Madhu? That traffic constable? Or our boss?"

"Nah! Neither of them"


"That Kundra! I want to kill that Kundra!"

"Who is this new subject?"

"When you wake up in the morning what you will see first, Trish?"

"My mobile phone!"


"My coffee mug which will be sitting on my bed side table waiting for me to kiss the mug."

"Good! But what I saw, today?? How my day began?"

"How? Only if you tell me I will come to know right?" Trishna asked logically.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now