Part 53

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5 years later

"Veer!" Startled by the sudden call, little Veer was about to trip and fall off the treadmill but before that his daddy rushed to his side and picked him up in his arms.

"I told you not to use the treadmill when I was not around you, Veer, didn't I?" Rishab asked in a stern voice as he sets his son down on the floor. Veer nodded his head in yes.

Today, Rishab was little late for his work-out session as he over slept and when he walked into the gym room, he found his son running fast on the treadmill.

"Ah, I bet my son will become an athlete someday" Rishab thought.

"And I told you not to run too fast! You can't keep up with this speed, buddy" Rishab softened his tone.

"I am sorry, daddy" Veer said bowing his head down.

"Look at me, Veer" Rishab sat on the Ab-bench and pulled his son closer to him. "Your mommy is insisting me to buy a folding treadmill so that you won't be able to use it because she will make sure I fold it after using it or she herself will to it just to prevent you from using it..."

"Daddy, please, I love running on treadmill."

"I know, baby..." Rishab held his son's shoulders with his large hands and looked proudly at his son.

"Daddy! I am not Naira so please don't 'baby' me" he whined making Rishab chuckle.

"You let mommy call you baby but why not daddy?" He asked.

"Mommy, just won't listen to me." Veer said in a low voice as if telling a secret. "I am tired of telling her not to call me baby but she never stopped. She says Naira and I will always be babies for her even when we are hundred years old" Veer whooshed. "Mothers!" He shook his head with his eyes closed and arms crossed over his chest. Rishab burst out laughing seeing his matured behavior at the age of five.

"You are not planning to get a folding treadmill, right?" Veer broached tentatively as he watch his daddy perform his exercise using dumbbells.

"I will talk to your mommy and convince her but you promise me not to enter the gym area when I am not around you."

"I promise. It won't happen again. Daily morning I will wait for you to wake me up and bring me here so that we can work-out together."

"Good" Rishab smiled. Ever since Veer was a toddler, he was so fascinated by gym equipments and he loved to sneak into the room just to watch his daddy work-out with those equipments.

"I wonder why can't mommy buy a padlock and lock this gym room instead of bothering to replace this gym-quality treadmill with a simple folding treadmill just to ensure my safety." Veer asked thoughtfully.

"Ah, point. Neither your mom nor I thought of this idea before" Rishab felt so dumb in front of his son's intelligence. "I will suggest this to her because just like you I don't want to replace this treadmill"

"Cool. Now, shall I run on the treadmill?"

"Sure, buddy but reduce the speed. I don't want you to have leg cramp later"


"Daddy" Rishab's lips automatically pulled up to a smile hearing the sweet and soft voice of his daughter.

"Why are you standing there? Come on in, honey bee" Rishab called his daughter who stood at the other side of the door and just poked her head in. She quickly ran to his side and hugged him.

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