Part 54

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"You know what? Hearing you say 'Husband, I love you' is such a turn on to me" Rishab mumbled hovering over her lips.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I thought you felt it." He said and pressed his throbbing erection against her belly.

"Ah, now I can feel your little friend's sexual excitement" she said looking lustfully at his eyes as her fingers weaved his hair methodically.

"I love when you play with my hair" he groaned and started nipping her neck.

"I love that too." She pulled his hair roughly so that his face was lifted up from the crook of her neck and then sliding her hands around his neck she pulled him back to devour his lips.

"Shit!" Rishab cursed and quickly rolled off Madhu when they heard the click sound of the door knob.

Naira opened the door and stepped into the room but she didn't run to her parents. She stood rooted to her place, hugging her pillow tightly to her chest and hid her face with it.

"You didn't lock the door?" He hissed at her.

Madhu ignored him and quickly adjusted her clothes. "Thank goodness we didn't take off our clothes" she thought.

"Did she see us kissing? Is that why she is not facing us? Oh God!" Madhu slapped her forehead with her palm and shut her eyes tightly in embarrassment.

"Naira baby, are you crying?" Rishab asked noticing her little shoulders shaking. His doubt was confirmed when he heard her loud sob.

"Naira, what happened?" Madhu jumped out of the bed and rushed to console her daughter.

"Veer! Veer!" Rishab shouted already guessing he was the reason for her tears.

"Daddy, you called me?" Veer summoned, holding something which looked like a photo frame in his hand.

"Why is she crying? What did you do to make your sister cry?"

"I didn't do anything" he said with a shrug. "I just showed this photo..."

"Bring it to me" Rishab asked stretching his hand out to take the photo and view it.

Madhu sat on the bed and settled Naira on her lap. Naira hugged her mommy and cried inconsolably. "Naira, baby, don't cry" Madhu cooed as she combed Naira's silky hair.

Rishab looked at the photo with a confused frown and then looked up at Veer asking him to explain.

"What about this photo that made her cry?" Madhu asked equally puzzled as Rishab.

"Veer?" Rishab glared. Madhu placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it silently asking him to calm down.

"I... I might have said Naira is adopted and she doesn't belong to our family..." Veer admitted getting scared by his dad's hard glare.

"What?!" Both Rishab and Madhu exclaimed.

Naira cried even louder hearing that. "I... I am not... your...your baby, mommy?" Naira asked in her choked voice.

"No, baby, you are momma's precious little girl." Madhu peppered Naira with kisses all over her face.

"But I didn't come from your tummy, mommy..." Naira cried as she crawled from her mommy to her daddy. "Daddy, you picked me from garbage bin when I was a baby? Like they show in movies?" She asked with tears mindlessly flowing down her cheeks.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now