Part 43

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Thank you all for your amazing comments on the previous part. You all made me so happy and made me feel so proud that I was able to give a decent ending to this story. LOL!

(Unedited part so excuse the errors)

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Madhu walked out of the doctor's cabin collecting her reports. She was so upset and half of the time she was zoned out. She willed to concentrate on the screen to see her baby but her vision was blurred with unshed tears. She missed her husband in there. She wished he was in there holding her hand and they saw their baby together. Even he missed her first scan and she hoped he would accompany with her for the second scan. She even reminded him twice yesterday when he came back home from duty and even this morning she made sure he would come to her appointment but he didn't. He said he would join her directly from his office and asked her to go to the hospital on her own. She waited for him for an hour requesting the doctor's assistant to send other patients for their check up and she would go once her husband joins her but till the end he didn't come so she went for the check up yet again alone having the doctor pity on her for her state.

She dashed away a pearl drop of tear with the back of her hand and marched towards the exit.

She was looking down so she didn't see who was coming right opposite to her.

She jerked back holding her baby bump when she was about to ran into someone. She breathed out in relief that she didn't collide on someone and got hurt. "Madhu snap out of this foul mood, will you?" her inner voice warned her. She nodded her head slightly as if agreeing with her inner voice and looked up to see her husband standing in front of her blocking her way. She threw him an angry glare and walked past him.

"Hey, wait..." Rishab ran after her and held her hand. She shrugged off his hand and continued walking.

"Madhu, I am sorry I got late... I got an urgent work... I was working on this case for weeks now and finally I got hold of the key culprit... I just couldn't put off the work and come to you... Try to understand it was important for me..." that hurt her more. She gave him a pained look but didn't say a word. She was scared she would breakdown into tears or scream at him in her anger. Wasn't she important to him? Wasn't attending the appointment with her and seeing the baby along with her important to him? She wished to ask him that but she didn't, not wanting to create a scene in public.

"You done with your check up?" he asked pointing to her report. She snatched the report when he tried to take it from her hand.

"Madhu, don't behave like this. Talk to me, please"

She kept walking without a word. She looked around for the cab she had booked 10 minutes ago. She checked her phone for the cab's number and looked around for it. She found it outside the hospital parking lot. She quickly walked to the cab and got into it.

"Hey, wait... " Rishab stopped the cab driver as he revved and was about to start moving.

"You didn't come in your car?" Rishab asked bending his head down and looking at her through the half open window. She didn't reply to this question and started rolling up the window but Rishab put his hand on the glass window stopping her. Madhu sighed and turned her face away.

"Come. I will take you home in my car." He unlocked the lock by slipping his hand inside the car through the open window and opened the door but she slammed it shut almost jamming his fingers in between.

She worriedly looked at his fingers and then at his face to see whether he got hurt but he shook his head letting her know that he was unaffected and she exhaled in relief. Then she asked the cab driver to keep going turning her face away from him.

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