Part 13

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Next day, Madhu woke up to find her husband missing. She didn't bother much on where he would have gone. It was his usual routine to wake up at the crack of dawn, work out in his gym, take a shower, and make breakfast for them.

She jumped out of the bed energetically and walked out of the room and found her husband sitting on the chair in the dining hall, sipping his coffee while reading newspaper.

"Good morning." She greeted him with a smile. He looked up at her with a small smile and wished her back.

"How you feeling now?" he asked.

"Better. Thank you." she said and sat next to him on the chair.

"Did you brush your teeth?" he questioned her.

"I will eat and then brush. I am really hungry." She said grinning.

"I guess you can manage eating bread toast on your own or you want me to feed that too?" he asked.

"Well, I can manage eating on my own but I won't mind you feeding you." she said with a sly grin. He just shook his head with a smile and continued reading the paper.

"So what plan for today?" she asked taking a bite from her toast.

He shrugged. "Do you have any plans?" he asked

"Um... Well, actually... can we go out for a couple of days?"


"Somewhere... a short trip may be?" she asked him hesitantly.

"Okay. I will make arrangements for that."

"Cool... I will go take a bath by then you decide where we can go."

"Finish your breakfast first." he ordered her. With a smile she proceeded to eat her toast.


(Two hours later)

"Madhu, ready?" Rk asked as he walks back to their bedroom.

"Almost! Just help me zip up this dress." Madhu said as she turned her back to him so that he can zip up her knee length dress. Rk kept staring at her.

"What?" she asked losing her patience

"This won't do. Change your dress."

"Why? What's wrong? Do I look bad in this dress?" she asked checking herself in the mirror.

"You look stunning in black but this dress won't suit for the place where we are going. This is gonna be something exciting and different experience for you. You ready for that?" he asked.

"Ready as ever I will be!" she said in seductive tone winking at him. Rk hissed through his teeth. He was trying his best to keep his hands off her considering her health condition but guess he can't hold to the restrain for long.

"Will you help me change the dress?" she asked coyly.

"Okay! I will choose the perfect outfit for you for the trip." he said and rummaged for her clothes in the closet. Then he picked out a tight black jeans and a crop top.

"Boots and jacket? Will I need them?" she asked seeing him take out her knee high brown leather boots and brown jacket.

"Yep! You will. Even I will be wearing boots and jacket."

"Where are we going? Any secret mission?" she asked when she notices him shrug on his jacket and tuck his gun in the gun holster.

"Nope! Just holiday trip"

"Then why you are carrying a gun?" she asked still eying the shot gun now hidden behind the jacket.

"Safety purpose, now, come. I will dress up you." he said and too quickly and mechanically he striped her off her dress and helped her get into her jeans and tops. He knew if he was slow in his action and paid more attention to her silky skin then they would land in the bed making hot passionate love.

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