Part 25

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"Good morning" Madhu wished to Rishab as she walked to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She noticed him already sipping his coffee so didn't bother to ask him.

"Morning" He smiled. She yawned covering her mouth with her palm as she felt still sleepy.

"I thought we will be going back to your parents place last night?" She asked. She was surprised to wake up in their apartment.

"I want to talk with you." he said straight to the point.

"Talk? About what?" she asked as she mixed a spoon of sugar in her coffee and stirred it before taking a welcoming sip.

"I'm taking you to somewhere" he said evasively. He didn't know how to tell her what was choking in his throat.

"Where? Be clear, Rishab."

"To meet a friend of mine."

"Oh. Can't we meet your friend on one weekend? I have office so do you."

"Just half day. Get permission from your boss."

"Hmm... Okay. But who is this friend? Mukkund bhaiya? Are we going to meet his new born baby boy? Then I am excited. On our way we will get some toys and baby clothes okay?"

"No, we are not going to meet Mukkund."


"It's Sameer..." he paused.

"Okay" she waited patiently for him to continue.

"He is a doctor." He said softly as gauged Madhu's expression. She frowned. "A shrink" He added.

"I'm not coming to meet your psychiatrist friend." Madhu said angrily air quoting the word "Psychiatrist" and walked out of the kitchen island and went to the living room. Rishab followed her.

"Madhu, listen to me, please."

"Don't push me, Rishab. I don't want any treatment. I'm not coming and that's final."

"You are coming and that's final" he said in a stern tone.

"You can't force me."

"Believe me, I can"

"Rishab, please. I have been through all these shits but nothing works. Nothing helps." She said tiredly as she slumped down on the couch holding her head in her hands. Rishab sat beside her gently placing his hand on her back and rubbing it.

"My friend Sameer, he is an exceptionally good psychotherapist. I'm sure he will help you cope up with your..." she cuts him off by asking "Don't you think I am normal?"

"Of course you are. Don't get me wrong. I am just trying to help you. I don't know whether you remember or not but you had a nocturnal panic attack last night." He said rubbing his forehead. She looked down at her knitted fingers. Yes, she indeed remembered her sorry state. She couldn't remember what exactly triggered her to get a panic attack, may be the incident in the restroom at the party, she was close to getting a panic attack there itself if her husband hadn't walked in on time. She remembered waking up sweating, trembling and hyperventilating and her husband soothing her with words of love. She remembered him running her a warm bath in the bathtub. She remembered him changing her into her night clothes and getting back to bed to sleep in his arms. "You were pathetic last night." His words brought back from her reverie. She pressed her lips to stop trembling. She didn't look up and face him. She hung her head down in shame.

"I was just scared. I'm fine, Rishab. Please trust me." She begged. "I'm not even getting sleep terrors frequently. It's all gone. I have you and I am sleeping well when you are with me."

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