Part 50

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Rishab slowly walked towards the bed where Madhu was sitting with her hands cupping her throbbing forehead.

She felt his presence nearer to her and without looking up at him she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head against his taut tummy.

"You alright?" Rishab held the sides of her head with his hands and pressed a kiss on top of her head. She shook her head in no.

"Was it bad?" he asked referring to her talk with her dad.

"I got headache" she groaned.

"Oh that bad" with his thumbs he pressed her forehead to ease her pain. "You wanna talk about it?"

She shook her head again in negation.

"You wanna talk about us?"

"No! Not now" she said brusquely "Just hold me like this for two minutes, please. I will be fine" she hugged him tighter and he cradled her head against his torso.

"Madhu..." he really wanted to apologize to her and make things better between them.

"Later. We will talk later. The function is about to start and I haven't got ready yet" that's when he noticed her still in her cotton shirt and cotton crushed long skirt.

"Alright, we will talk tonight. I owe you an apology"

"You do" she said pulling away from him and in a surge of anger she punched his gut hardly making him double over. "Fuck! I wouldn't have taught my wife kickboxing if I had known I would be in the receiving end." He thought

"Ouch! That was unexpected and hard, Madhu" he grimaced his face in pain as he rubbed his abdomen and sat on the bed. He didn't see it coming. She took him by surprise.

"Mommy, your daughter in law is not as sweet and innocent as you think. She didn't go meek when I scolded her. She was actually cooking a revenge plan against me. Without knowing this you blasted my head, mommy. You are bad." He cried, of course mentally.

"First my daughter hit me, then my mother bashed me and now my wife punched me..." he picked up his son in his arms and asked him "what are you waiting for? Go ahead and Kick me, boy!" his son gazed his daddy for few good seconds before flashing him a beautiful smile making Rishab's heart melt "Ah! At least you took daddy's side. I love you so much for this, baby boy" he kissed his son affectionately and placed him back on the bed.

"Is it paining?" Madhu asked softly, belatedly regretting the punch she gave him. "I shouldn't have gone violent and hurt him. My poor husband" she thought.

He gave her a murderous glare but didn't say a word. He felt he deserved it. He stretched on the bed beside his babies so that he could play with them "Ugh!" he groaned inwardly feeling a stinging pain where he received the hard blow from his wife's soft hand. "God, she didn't show mercy and go easy on me but my mom said they won't go easy on me next time If I even raised my voice a little higher than usual." he was sure her fist mark would have imprinted on his skin.

"Why are you staring at my face, Madhu? Go get changed"

"I'm waiting"

"What for?"

"For them to cry in hunger so that I can feed them before I change into my sari. I don't want them to spill my milk and ruin my sari"

"Don't wait for them to cry. You feed them"

"I tried but they are pushing my... um..."

He shook his head and muttered something which she didn't catch clearly so she asked him to repeat. "I would have played with your tits by sinking my teeth into them rather pushing them"

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