Part 24

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"What the hell!!!" Rishab shouted at Madhu pushing himself away from her. "What the hell have you done, Madhu?" He growled.

"What?" Madhu asked puzzled as she covered her body with her bathrobe.

She had just walked out of the bathroom taking her shower only to be cornered by her husband. He pushed her against the wall and kissed her lips hungrily taking her by surprise. He tugged her bathrobe and removed it off her shoulders and buried his nose in the crook of her neck and nuzzled it. When he dragged his face down he noticed something ugly and recoiled from her.

"This!" He pointed his finger to her right side just below her shoulder and above her chest.

"Can't you see what that is? You are asking me as if you don't know?" She asked with a frown.

"I know what the f**k that is!" He shouted again startling her. He pinch his nose bridge and took few deep breathes.

"I am sorry for shouting... but why?" He asked tipping her chin up to face him.

"Why means what? I like it so I did it." She shrugged casually and covered her bare shoulders with her bathrobe.

"Don't you dare cover it from me, okay?"

"Rishab, please. Don't make it a big deal. Let me go so that I can get dressed for tonight's party." She gently pushed him and tried to walk away but he held her wrist and slammed her back to the wall again and gave her a death glare.

"I won't repeat again, Madhu so just tell me why you did this?" Rishab asked softly but in a menacing tone. She squirmed uncomfortably.

"I... I... I just wanted to... See, today when I went with mama and mom for shopping I found this shop next to the spa... I left our moms there in the spa to get their things done and I went to do this..."

"I didn't ask where and when you did this! I am asking why you did this." He asked losing his patience.

"It's not a sin okay?"

"Ugh! You are so infuriating, Madhubala!" He growled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Rishab, calm down. I just tattooed my skin..."

"Why? To hide the bullet scar?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded her head.

"I told you it wasn't ugly." Rishab said holding her head in his hands.

"And I told you not to feel guilty of it but every time... Every single time you see this scar your mood goes off. All I could see in your eyes were pain and guilt." Madhu got sick of his guilty look he showed they make out. He just stopped kissing her on her scarred region. Once she even asked him "was it ugly? You feel disgusted to kiss there?" But he reassured her it was nothing like that and he apologized for not kissing her scar better. She believed him and she even knew it was only his guilt making him to not even look at it so she decided to mask it with a tattoo.

"I gave this scar to you, Madhu." He sighed sadly.

"You didn't!" She snapped at him. "So stop blaming yourself." She slapped his arm and winced in pain while he stood unaffected by her hitting.

"Thanks for making me feel better... but that doesn't mean I appreciate what you did to yourself. I know permanent tattoos can pain like hell" he said sadly and leaned his head forward touching her forehead.

"You should have told me before doing something stupid like this." He scolded her but not angrily.

"Now, you have added one more feather to my guilty hat..."

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