Part 56

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(Two days later)

Rishab slowly opened the twins' room and found them so engrossed in watching their favorite television show 'A Haunting' on Discovery Channel.

Madhu was reading a book fully occupying Naira's bed, lying on her front and dangling her legs in the air. She hated that paranormal anthology series as it was scary so she kept her focus only on the book in her hand she was reading.

"Hey" Rishab sat beside his son on his bed. "What episode is this? Living nightmare?" he asked. He used to follow the show whenever he was at home with his kids.

"Nah, Face of Evil" Veer answered without looking at his daddy.

"Oh" he said and waited for the show to get over so that he can have a talk with his children. Meanwhile, he walked to Veer's study table to take a look at the trophy and the certificates. Then on Naira's study he found a camcorder and underneath it a certificate was placed. His heart swelled with pride seeing his babies' achievements.

"You're ignoring me?" Rishab asked pulling Madhu's book from her hand.

"Why you didn't attend their school annual day function?" Madhu asked in a whisper but he can tell she was utterly pissed at him.

He pressed the bridge of his nose before muttering "Sorry. Work!" that's the only explanation he could give her which was already known to her.

"I'm sick of hearing the same reason over and over again from you, Rishab" Madhu hissed at him and rolled over to give space for Rishab to sit. "You knew how important this day for our babies but still you didn't show up. You disappointed them."

"Madhu, I know it already, just don't throw it to my face, will you?"

She nodded and bit her bottom lip.

"Did you take them to Pizza house?"

"Yeah, after the function your mom, dad, kids and I had a pizza party. We enjoyed a lot..." she beamed at him forgetting her anger. "...Well, we missed you though" she said softly as she held his hand in hers.

"I missed you too. I was badly stuck at work. Even now it's not over. I have to run back in two hours. I just came to apologize and congratulate kids"

"Oh, then do that. What for you are waiting?" she asked. He pointed his chin to the TV. "Here" she passed him the remote. "Switch it off and talk"

"Nah, that's wrong." He said. She rolled her eyes and laid back.

"I can't believe my babies are watching horror movies and paranormal shows. At their age I was scared to even watch Goosebumps and Casper Cartoon series." Madhu said, more to herself. Rishab let out a chuckle hearing her soft mumbles.

"Veer, Naira" he called his children. "You guys done watching TV?" he asked.

"Yep" they said in unison.

"So I think daddy can offer his congratulation to you now"

"Sure, daddy" Veer said with a smile and stretched his hand out for his daddy. Veer was an easy forgiving natured guy.

Rishab took his son's hand and kissed it. "Sorry Veer, I couldn't make it to the function but I saw the photos your mommy took when you were on the stage. I am really, really proud of you for achieving Proficiency award and Maths Genius award. I don't know how to tell how much happy I feel for you... I just love you, baby boy" Rishab ruffled his son's hair affectionately. Veer hugged his daddy and thanked him. "I love you too, daddy, so much. You are my inspiration." Rishab smile and Veer kissed his cheek.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now