Part 29

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Madhu stood by the balcony holding the railing as she looked up at the dark shy. She looked better after taking a long hot shower. She had changed into her half white PJ's. Left her hair loose. Parted it to two and put it on her front on either side.

Rishab got ready for work and walked out from the bedroom in search of Madhu. Finding her near the balcony he slowly walked closer to her amd snaked his hands around her waist and pressed his body against her back.

"You okay?" He asked softly kissing her nape.

She nodded with a slight smile and placed her hands over his hands.

"I have work. I am going now. I will be back late night. I don't want you to wait for me. I will let myself in. Okay?"

She wanted to ask him to stay with her for a while but she understood his need to go. He had been with her all day and she can't expect him to stay the night too.

"Okay." She nodded but still didn't let his hands go. She loved the feel of his hands caressing her tummy. She felt so cherished and protected.

"Sleep without thinking hard." He kissed her hair before releasing her and stepping back. She turned around to face him and smiled at him.

"Thank you." She whispered and kissed both his cheeks surprising him. He didn't question why she thanked him. He just smirked and kissed her lips before leaving her in her place and walking out of the house locking the door behind him with his spare key.

Few seconds later, the power went off and the whole house was surrounded with darkness. She held the balcony grill tightly and stood rooted to her place. She wished not to panic and take steady calming breath. She was scared to walk back inside in the darkness and take her mobile phone to on the mobile torch and lit the candles in the stands.

She heard the front door opening again and she hoped it was her Rishab.

"Rishab, is that you?" She called softly, so softly almost inaudible to her own ears.

She braced herself to walk into the living room and see for herself who it was.

After taking few shaky steps she bumped into someone and screamed in fright.

"Hey, its me. Its me, Rishab." Rishab held her tight in his arms and hugged her.

"You scared me. Why can't you tell me you were here when I asked you?"

"I didn't hear your voice. I left my work phone (he has two mobile phones) so I came to take it and found that the current has gone. I know you will be scared..."

"Yes, I am. Just switch on the invertor. If there is no charge in it you better light up the candles." She said in a rushed voice shoving him back to bring in some light.

"Hey, relax. I am here."

"I know..." She stopped talking when he scooped her off her feet in his arms. "What are you doing?" She asked scrunching her eyes tightly shut and gripping his shirt with her fingers.

"Taking you to bed."

"Okay. But its too dark. I can't see you. As soon as you put me down on the bed you are going to light the candles."

"My wife wants romantic set up huh?" He teased and placed her gently on the bed. He jumped on to the bed and he knelt in between her legs as he unbuckled his belt. She sat up on the bed and her hands searched for some contact with him. Then he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Why you are removing your shirt? You are not going out for work?" She asked feeling her hands on his bare torso. She had her eyes still closed. The darkness from inside her eyes was better than the darkness from outside.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now