Part 38

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(No time to proofread as ever so excuse the mistakes)

Here goes nothing... LOL!!!

Rishab got an alert message in his phone so he quickly fished it out from his pants pocket. He frowned checking his GPS tracking app. "Two devices showing two different locations?" He scratched his temple to ease the worry line.

"Did she miss her phone somewhere?" Rishab wondered. He quickly dialed her number. "Hello Madhu..."

"Hi, uncle Rishab"

"Who is this?" he couldn't recognize the voice though it was a familiar one. May be the tension building in him wasn't letting his mind work properly.

"Uncle Rishab? You forgot me? Too bad!"

"Roshan?" Suddenly it struck to him. It was Roshan, Mukkund's elder son's voice.

"Yay! You got it right, my smart uncle."

"Where is Madhu aunty?"

"She gave me her phone to play."

"Oh! Is she with you now? Can you pass the phone to her?"

"No, she is not here. She went with two big uncles."

"What? Did she say anything to you?"

"Yeah..." Roshan drawled.


"Madhu aunty said she loves you" Roshan said and laughed. Rishab didn't get what the little boy found so funny about that line to laugh.

"Anything else?" Rishab asked hoping his wife would have left him any hint of with whom she went.

"Nope" Roshan "She just told me to keep her phone safe and she will get it back when she sees me next time or hand over it to you."

"Where is your father?" Rishab asked.

"Daddy has gone to meet your mommy. He left me and Rohan in Madhu aunt's watch but she left us alone and went with those two big guys." He complained.

"Uncle, wait... daddy is here. I will give him the phone."

Rk didn't hear a word from the other side for few seconds making him go restless.

"Hello Rk? Where is your wife? She left my kids alone and went somewhere. She should have informed me right? What if someone had kidnapped my kids?" Mukkund blasted over the phone.

"I trusted her and left my kids with her but... How irresponsible she is? You tell me is it safe to leave two little kids on their own in this huge mall?"

"Mukkund, listen to me..."

"I didn't expect this from your wife..."

"Mukkund! Madhu is in some serious trouble." Rishab raised his voice to shut his rant.


"Otherwise I am sure my wife wouldn't be so heedless." he said in a stern voice.

Rishab knew his wife can be reckless when it comes to her personal safety but he also knew she wouldn't put other's life in danger. "She probably would have safeguarded your kids by leaving them there in the mall instead of tagging them along with whatever mess she is in now." Rk reasoned. He kinda got offended when his friend called his wife irresponsible.

"How can I help you?" Mukkund said in a contrite tone now understanding the situation.

"Just drop my mom safely at her place." he said and quit the call.

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now