Part 37

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She sat at the rear seat of the car and rested her head back as she caressed her flat belly trying to keep herself calm. One guy among the two sat at the driver seat and other at the passenger seat and they had their gaze fixed on Madhu. They didn't want to be careless. They didn't even tie her hands or tape her mouth preventing her from screaming for some strange reason. May be they felt it unnecessary as she came with them without throwing a fit.

"Don't dare to jump out of the car okay? Then we will fucking kill you. We just couldn't bring in our real guns inside the mall but now we have guns which are fully loaded." the guy sitting at the passenger seat turned back and warned Madhu by pointing the gun at Madhu's forehead to see some fear in her eyes but found none. She simply rolled her eyes and looked outside the window bracing herself to face what was coming her way next.

She noticed a black car following them but she was sure it wasn't her husband's. How the hell he will follow you Madhu? Don't be stupid. You have to fight your own battle, Madhu. Her inner voice said.

Unknowingly her lips quiver up to a smile when she realized it was the same line her husband told her last night or earlier this morning when they had a small talk after making love and pausing for few minutes to regain their energy before going for round two.

"You okay?" Rishab rolled off her and leaned his back on the head board as he steadied his breathing. Madhu mumbled a yes and pulled the covers over her breast as she sat up on the bed stretching her arms and in that process she dropped the covers again revealing her naked upper body. Rishab chuckled not getting why she covered her body when he was just all over that place doing naughty things but he didn't openly comment embarrassing her. He just caressed her bare back loving the feel of her soft skin on his palm.

She again pulled the covers up and clutched it closer to her breast with one hand and with other she took the water bottle sitting on the bedside table and she gulped the water down quenching her thirst. "You want?" she asked her husband after emptying half of the bottle.

"After round two" Rishab winked.

"So ready?"

He laughed and shook his head in no. "I am not a machine, Madhu"

"Um... Usually you refill quickly... So I thought... "

He laughed again.

"Why are you so happy today?" she asked with a surprised frown. Her husband never ever laughed for her line by line comment. Even for her good joke he will give her a forced smile but today?

"Are you complaining?" he asked.

"No. I am just asking... It's so unlike you. Your sudden dinner... Presenting surprise gift... That too my favorite brand watch... Making sweet passionate love and now you look so happy?"

"Because I enjoyed my sweet love making with my sweet wife."

"Sweet wife? I thought I was your annoying wife?"

"That too but only when we are out of bed" he teased her and she threw the water bottle at him.

"You won't change, will you?" he asked shaking the water bottle.

"I don't know why I throw things at people... I am sorry" She looked down at her lap.

"Throw whatever you find at whoever crosses your path but just spare me, your poor husband." she threw things bloody accurately and he worried if he wasn't alert one day he will get injured.

"Okay. Sorry. You are not mad right?" she asked. He shook his head and smiled letting her know he was cool. He was in too good mood to scold her. He in fact hoped her throwing random things so accurately will help her one day.

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