Part 9

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Hearing the loud buzz of the alarm, Rishab groaned & opened his eyes to be greeted by the lovely sight, his beautiful wife sleeping peacefully in his arm.

He felt a small smile tug on his face seeing her. He reached his hand & stroked the hair out of her face & gently caressed her soft cheek.

"Madhu, wake up." Rishab whispered. Then he took her head of his arm as it went numb with her head pressing hard to it & placed her head back on the pillow. He stretched his arms as he sat up on the bed.

"Madhu..." Rishab shook Madhu's shoulder.

"Hmm..." She lets out a soft moan.

"Madhu, if you don't get up now then you will late to work."

"Hmm... Please... Let me sleep." She grumbled & flipped back.

He checked the time on the wall clock & it showed 5.00 in the morning. He thought it was too early to wake her up so he decided to let her sleep for a while & he slipped out of the bed throwing the covers over her. Madhu mumbled something unintelligible in her sleep & covered herself from head to toe with the duvet cover.

After taking his shower, he stepped out of the bathroom wrapping a towel over his waist & with another towel he dried his wet hair.

"Biwi!" Rishab called for her from the dressing room but she didn't respond.

"Wake up, Madhu" he walked out of the dressing room & pulled the duvet from her & threw it away.

"Hmm..." she moaned in annoyance.

"Next time don't ask me to wake you up." he growled at her & walked out of the room to make coffee.

He never thought she was such a sound sleeper. She had difficulties waking up in the morning to work out with him too but somehow she managed by going to bed so early at night. Last night it was different. They slept around 2 after cleaning up all the mess. He told her to go to bed but she offered to help him, seeing him solely clearing the mess. He wasn't actually planning to clean the house but just looking for any clue that would help him in pointing the culprit.

He was sure it wasn't Sultan & his team. Though they were on the loose, his instinct clearly screamed it was not them. They wouldn't bounce back this sooner. Then who the hell dared to ransack his house? He was blazing with rage but masked well in front of his wife & reassured her that everything was okay & they will be fine.

"Madhu, your coffee" Rishab came back to their room & placed a coffee mug beside the table & again tried to wake up her.

"Two minutes, husband." she pleaded sleepily.

Rk sighed not knowing how many two minutes she will ask for & he sipped on his coffee while reading the newspaper.

"Madhu, your coffee will get cold. Get up." Rishab called her once he had done drinking with his coffee.

"Hmm..." he pulled her up by holding her hands & made her sit straight. She hung her head down & continued her sleep in sitting position. With one slight push on her shoulder, she fell back on the bed, back to her comfy sleepy position. Rishab couldn't help but let out a soft laugh. He liked the game so h again pulled her up, made her sit & poked her head with his finger & she fell back without any complaint. Leaving with no other go, he took her hand & dipped her index finger on the hot coffee mug hoping she will wake up.

"Iss..." she winced but then slipping her finger in her mouth, she went to sleep again.

Rishab looked at Madhu & a smile quiver up his lips seeing her sleeping with her finger in his mouth. He quickly took his phone & took a picture of hers. She looked so adorable at one level & so funny at other. He decided to show the picture later to her & tease her.

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