Part 40

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Note – After 'Backspacing' whatever I typed for so many times I wrote this long part. It didn't come out like I planned. There will be some factual/logical errors in this part. I sincerely apologize to those who have sound knowledge in medicines and drugs! (I did my research before writing this part but still some parts could be incorrect) Sorry!

I couldn't complete the story in this part like I said before. (Sorry if you guys feel I am unnecessarily dragging this story and boring you all) I will take one more part to end the story. Oh and I will write one bonus part and epilogue. (I will post the remaining story after 13th May)

(Long update! Read at your own risk! No time to proofread! So ignore the mistakes)


"Where the fuck you guys are taking me? I am tired. I can't walk anymore." Madhu said tiredly leaning her back on the trunk of a huge tree.

"Hey! Stop! You guys are walking ahead leaving me behind in this God damn place. Aren't you supposed to take me along with you?" she shouted when they kept walking without even turning back to check whether she was trailing behind them or not.

"Stupid you, Madhu! Instead of calling them you could have skedaddled from here" but she didn't do that because she knew they will easily catch her and her escaping attempt will go futile.

"Just go with their plan till you get your chance, Madhu" her husband's words kept ringing in her ears.

"Ugh! My feet are killing me" she just wished to kick her shoes off and get a hot water foot massage.

"Why I am stuck with these morons?" she groaned in frustration. "Wish I had my gun then I would have shot them all dead." Her cribbing fell on six pairs of deaf ears and that infuriated her more.

She would have felt little better or even forgotten the fact that she was abducted if they, six men had talked with her instead of keeping that rock hard serious face and walking super fast as if there was some marathon being conducted.

Madhu slowly dragged her feet to some 100 meters before slumping down to the ground as her legs gave away.

She rubbed her belly with one hand to ease her mild stomach cramp and pressed her forehead with the other tightly to stop the throbbing headache. She was hungry. She was tired. She was feeling sick. And above all she was hell scared.

"God, Rishab where the hell are you?" she cursed.

"Hey, walk" a guy pulled her left hand harshly.

"Ouch!" Madhu yelped in pain.

"Leave my hand, you bastard!" Madhu growled when the guy continued dragging her.

"I am getting hurt. Leave my hand" she shouted as she yanked her hand off his death grip and somehow her watch bracelet clasp got opened and slipped off her hand which she didn't notice as she was busy cursing the arrogant guys.


Finally they brought her to a wooden house amidst the clump island.

"Get in" a guy ordered as he shoved Madhu in. She stumbled on the threshold but thankfully she didn't fall head long on the wooden floor and get hurt. She turned and glared at the guy who shoved her but he shut the door right on her face.

"Hey! Open the door!" she banged.

"Boss, we are here... yes... she is locked inside the house. Yeah, we will make sure she doesn't escape... Alright! We will be waiting for you." Madhu heard someone among the six men talk over the phone from the other side of the door.  

Book I - Husband, I Love You (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now