Part 18

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"Madhu, you leave it, I will do all the cooking work" Radha said to her daughter in law. Rk and Madhu had come to Rk's parents place for dinner after meeting with Madhu's parents.

"It's okay, aunty. I will help you." Madhu said with a polite smile.

"You know to make chicken curry?" Radha questioned.

"Yeah, learned to make chicken curry for Rishab. He loves it."

"Add some butter to the curry, he will love it more."


"How is your health, Madhu?"

"I'm perfectly fine, aunty."

"How many times I have to tell you to call me Mom'?" Radha chided her daughter in law.

"Oops, Sorry, aunt... I'm mean mom." Madhu smiled.

"That's better. Oh Madhu, you should be very careful. No more heroic stunts and risk your life. You should have seen Rishab when you were unconscious in the hospital... he was beside himself with fear and anger." Radha said shaking her head.

"I know. I'm sorry mom. I troubled everyone."

"Okay forget it. Now tell me how your trip?"

"Oh mom! Awesome trip. We both had a great time. Never thought my husband will take me to a jungle" She laughed. "I loved that tree house; I loved the chirping sound of birds, the bonfire, the sereneness, above all the beautiful waterfalls nearby... I loved it... I loved everything... it was such a beautiful and romantic trip and my husband was like icing on the cake. He was unbelievably sweet, smooth, gently and yummy..."

"Madhu, Madhu... stop. I don't want the vivid details of your streamy romance." Radha teased making Madhu blush.

"My son is happy with you." Radha said and it wasn't a question but a statement. Madhu smiled hearing that.

"I'm happy with him too. He is such a sweetheart. He takes good care of me. Sometimes I annoy him and make him mad but he never shouts at me. Of course he gets angry, I get angry, we fight... a lot... but then we are getting there... understanding each other and making some compromises to run life smoothly... everything got even better the day we discovered and declared our love... so far so good between us... hope it goes fine till the end"

"It will, Madhu. You are so good for him. I am happy I made the right choice for my son." Radha said and Madhu smiled in reply.

"So no complaints about him?" Radha asked. "If you tell me, I will twist his ears and order him to treat you well."

"No... actually yes. I have a complaint. I want him to smile. I want him to laugh. I want him to talk a lot. I want him to say I love you to me more often..."

"Whoa whoa! That's quite a list." Radha laughed.

"He had never done all that in front of you?"

"Oh yeah. He had said I love you' to me for 3 times in this three months... actually he started saying those golden words only from this trip... and laughed like about 5 times and smiled some 10 times in the whole time we were together... oh he used to give me his arrogant smirk for umpteenth time." Madhu sighed dramatically. "Why he is like this aunt... mom?"

"What to tell, Madhu? I gave birth to one grumpy baby. You must have seen all his childhood photos in the bedroom and in none of it he had smiled showing his teeth. He always gives a small smile after my pleadings. I hope at least my grandchildren are not like my son... I want my grandchildren to be like you... so bubbly, chirpy and smiling, always." Radha said caressing Madhu's head.

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