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He watched her with an extra close eye. Not because he didn't trust her or believe that she couldn't handle herself, but because he didn't always trust others.

He looked at her when she didn't even know, he didn't want to. He wished he didn't have to, but something within him couldn't look away.

There were days, days where the small seams keeping what remained of the world together were starting to split. Days like those where she smiled at the smallest things, laughed at the most random of things...

But made him feel a warm beat in his heart.

He always worried about her, that one's well-being always on his mind. He didn't understand it, this feeling he had for her. He didnt even know what the said feeling was.

All he knew was that he had to keep her safe. Keep her from fear, keep her from pain. Keep her here with him.

A/N: just a short feels filled one❤and that GIF at the top is so darn adorable😂😍

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