Your breaths are just as fast as your heartbeat, pumping with adrenaline from being swarmed with walkers while out on a run with Daryl.
Sitting inside the only place you could both get into fast enough; a broken down car. You can hear Daryl's deep breathing along with the hundreds of moans of the monsters right there on the other side of the window you look out of.
Staring down at your hands that shake in your lap.
"I see the way you look at me." You say, directing your words at Daryl but don't look at him.
Daryl looks over at you, his eyes squinting a bit trying to decipher what you meant.
"You think I'm weak," This time you finally look at him. "and I know you don't get why I'm still here. Why I'm still alive after everything."
Daryl looks at you, something hidden behind his eyes. Guilt at the truth maybe. But soon looks away from your gaze.
"I just wanted you to know that I realize that, about you."
Daryl looks back over shaking his head slowly, "Don't ever wonder why you're still livin."
Mumbling the words you are still able to hear him, "Everyone's strong in there own way."
Simple as that, straight to the point. He thought you were strong, maybe in ways he wasn't. And maybe you were weak in the areas he wasn't. To even each other out almost.
You couldn't help as the corners of your lips twitched upwards, "Think that?"
Lighting a smoke he found in his pocket he lets out a cloud of smoke while shrugging, "Said it."
That was all the confirmation you needed from him. You were going to make it out of this... The both of you.
A/N: Merry Christmas everyone! Although this isnt holiday themed I like this. I have holiday ones coming later and be on the look out for my new book that'll be up later❤:)