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His hands still shook as he walked out into the main area. Daryl's face pale and everyone could tell something had happened.

"Daryl, where is she?" Rick asks, going up to him as Carl comes following after Daryl a baby wrapped tightly in his arms.

"She's dead." His voice is low and cracks as his mind is blank.

Earlier this morning you were here, with him. Alive. And now you were gone, you had bleed to death from childbirth and Daryl had to shoot you so you wouldn't turn.

As people begin to whisper, starting to mourn the baby makes a small sound that grows into a large wail.

Daryl turns to Carl seeing the baby kick in his hold.

"Shh," Daryl says taking the baby still wrapped poorly in a blanket into his own arms. "it's a'right. Daddy's here."

You both had been scared out of your minds when you saw the pregnant sign show up on that test, but over the months you both grew excited and anxious for the little ones arrival.

Staring down at the baby girl craddled in his big sweat stuck arms, she stares back at him. "You look jus like your momma."

Whispering he looks at how much she resembles you, showing every sign that she's your daughter.

"My beautiful girl." Bouncing her up and down softly he kisses her head. Feeling a sudden warmth filling his broken heart. Almost as if a sign from you saying that he could love this baby, even after what happened to you, that this baby he could love.

A/N: that is such a cute GIF, Daryl in that moment made me melt😍

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