Barry's pov
"This sucks so badly," Carter complains.
"You can sleep on the floor if you want to," Piper calls out to her brother. He sticks his tongue out at her, even though it was too dark in the hotel room for her to see it.
"How are we going to get home? This crap room ate up most of our money and we're only staying here one night. We're screwed," Violet moans, miserable.
"Jasper, this would be a good time to pull a spare million out of your pocket. Buy us a private jet with a one way destination back to LA," I joke.
"If I had a spare million dollars in my pocket then we'd be sleeping on that jet right now, not this motel. Trust me," Jasper says.
"Guys," Cassidy calls out.
"I wonder if our parents are even looking for us right now. Or if they assume we're still with Marcus. They must've been devastated when the chip didn't lead them to where we were," Violet states.
"Guys," Cassidy repeats, a little louder now.
"What happens if we go home and they aren't back yet? I mean, we'll have no phones because they'll be inside. Blue probably moved Calum's spare key. We'll still be stuck outside," Carter realizes.
"Guys!" Cassidy yells.
"What Cass?" Jasper asks, oblivious. Even though we were on opposite sides of the room and it was pitch black, I could practically see Cassidy roll her eyes.
"This is a hotel room-"
"No shit Sherlock," Carter cuts back in.
"I swear to God Carter! Let her finish!" Piper yells.
"Thanks Pipes. Anyways, hotels have the option of wake up calls. And they call your hotel room on the phone th-"
"That's always in the hotel room! Cassidy! You're a genius! There's a phone in the room!" Violet yells, turning on the light. All six of us were scrambling off of the beds and rushing over to the table in the corner of the room. We gather around, staring at the telephone. None of us touch it, scared that it might disappear if we do. That would be our luck.
"Who wants to make the call?" Violet finally asks.
"We should decide who we're calling first," Piper cuts in. She hadn't blinked since we got over here. I think she was a little jealous that she wasn't the one who remembered the phone was in the hotel room. She'd never admit it though.
"I think we should call Michael. He's the one who has to be hurting the most afterall. He did get Cass back only to lose her again," I say, casting my vote.
"Any objections?" Piper asks. No one speaks up.
"Cass, you can call him if you want," Violet offers, pushing the phone towards the pink haired girl.
Cassidy shakes her head no, "I'll start crying if I do. Someone else can do it."
"I'll call him," Jasper volunteers. He takes the phone and dials Michael's phone number. We all wait to see if he picks up or not.

Fanfictiondis·o·be·di·ent adjective refusing to obey rules or someone in authority. When Barry's sister goes missing it's up to him and his friends to find her before something bad can happen. "Sometimes you have to be a little disobedient." *Sequel to Littl...