Andy: I'd like you to come to church with me on Sunday. Please dress nice.
Andy: You'll have to call me Michael too. Sorry
I woke up earlier than I normally would on a Sunday. Typically I don't have to be awake until eight for my church but I was going to Andy's church and I had to pick up Alina, who lived on the opposite side of town from me.
I get up, trying to be quiet. Honestly, fuck my brother but the house was quiet, I felt I had to be as well.
I go into my closet first, grabbing out my grey dress shirt. I was told to dress nice, so I'd better. I pull my black dress pants out. I get dressed quickly, going out into the kitchen. Still no signs of life in the house.
I head outside, getting in my car. The twenty minutes it takes me to get to Alina's house are filled with the sounds of country music. I pull into her driveway, shooting her a text so she knew I was there.
Alina walked out. She was wearing a black dress, black leggings, black shoes and a light blue cardigan to pair with her hair. I grin. She sits in my front seat.
"Are we going to a church service or a funeral?" I laugh.
"Aren't they the same place?" She sets her purse in her lap, closing the door.
"True," I nod.
I pull out of her driveway, following the instructions Google Maps is giving me.
"Ugh, I haven't been in a church service in awhile. Well, I have, just not a formal church. I hate dresses," she fumbled with the skirt of her dress.
"I'm actually skipping out on my church for this so you're welcome." I smirked at her.
"This dress is so long too. I had a cellist once ask me where I bought it since she said it was the perfect length for cello playing. Ugh...I should have played cello," she sighed.
I didn't know anything about her musical abilities. I knew that was Andy's thing. I always left calls with him when he started composing. I couldn't stand listening to him compose.
"You dress up nice," Alina looked outside.
"Isn't that the point?" I glance over at her.
"I guess. I just mean, damn boy you look fiiiiine."
I laughed. That was the greatest nonsensical response she could have given me.
"Play me some not country music white boy." She poked my arm.
"Why does everyone hate my country music?" I rolled my eyes, looking down at the radio, and hitting a few buttons. "There, this should be Set It Off."
"This is rock music." She set her hand on my shoulder. "I'm so proud of you."
"I'm not a one genre person," I laughed. "I like everything from country to nightcore to rock to early 2000s pop music."
"Damn. I was kinda imagining it as one of those memes where they have different categories and pictures and show personalities that way. Like, I can just see one with us as different music genres. You'd be country; slightly redneck, likes knives, premeditates a lot of murders. I'd be rock; different, acceptable, sometimes emo. Andy...what would Andy be?" She tapped on the window.
"Either French or classical," I shrugged.
"Andy, classical; everyone loves, no escape, is everywhere."
"It works I suppose."
We both got quiet, letting music fill the space. This is what I loved. Music was my escape from the shit that was around me. I couldn't live a day without it.

Out of Touch
Teen FictionYou're losing me again. Alina keeps to herself. Everyone eventually leaves her due to this fact. They hate how she doesn't trust anyone but how can she trust others when the only thing she knows to expect is pain? Now she's starting her junior yea...