Andy didn't show up to school. I didn't want Alaina to sit alone today, not after all this business. I set my tray across from hers. She looked up at me, surprised.
"Didn't think you should be alone," I grinned.
"Thanks," she looked down at her plate.
"What even happened?" I picked up my fork.
"He wouldn't stop bugging me," she sighed. "So I talked to him. He begged me for forgiveness. He said he changed his ways and realized how awful he was to me. I chose to forgive him in a panic but I don't really. You don't hurt someone like that. Then he said he hoped we would be friends again someday. I told him no chance. I blocked him. He hasn't tried anything since. He's an idiot, really. Emotional abuse, hiding behind mental health disorders, pushing someone off the deep end. Really."
"It seems Andy took good care of you though," I tried.
"Yeah he did," her face started to glow a little bit.
"You still really like him?"
"Yeah and I think I should say something. You know, I've become a little bit stronger, standing up to Zack like that. But still, I'm not strong enough to do something like confess my feelings. I've been there, I've tried that, and I've failed."
"Andy likes you too," I rolled my eyes. "I cornered him at work and he said he might have an interest. I think he's scared of something too."
"I got hired at the store," Alaina smiled. "Andy offered to walk me over after school to fill out the paperwork. I start officially next week then."
"He doesn't show up to school but he'll walk you to work. He's an idiot," I shook my head. "However, it's about time you got a job. Fucking finally."
"Quiet bitch," she smiled. "Some of us are just a little slower than others."
"You going to be okay working with Paige? She did cause that little mess kinda."
"Yeah, it's fine. I think she and I are done not being friends. It's going to be fine."
"There's a few people to look out for, me, Joshua, and Princess Tate. Tate gets his way and Joshua just doesn't like anybody."
"Thanks for the warning," she grinned. "Why you?"
"Because fuck you that's why," I sipped my drink.
"You know, Matt," she looked me in the eyes. "you think you're this big asshole and sometimes, well, a lot of the time, you are. But you're also a good person. And you like Stella."
"I what?" I asked, keeping it cool.
"You didn't just ditch me because I was spending all my time with Andy, even though you hate him. You also wanted to get closer to Stella because you like her too."
"Nice try."
"I'm not wrong," she glared.
"Never said you were," I shrugged. "But I never said you were right either."
Alaina laughed. "You dick."
We continued to eat lunch, subtly insulting each other. That's just the kind of friends Alaina and I were. She was right though, I really did like Stella. I took Stella on a date once before. We had gone ice skating when we were sophomores, shortly after I had the ability to drive. I don't think she knew it was a date either because we never saw each other again after that. I went on to date one of her friends, Maddie, anyway. Maybe we'd have a chance if I was crazy enough to try anything. I was really proud of Alaina though. She'd be working with me too, a real friend at a job I hated. As much as I hated Andy, I wished her and him luck. They were good people for each other, if he could stop being stupid that is. I would stay here for Alaina and I hoped she would be for me too. Even if things got distant, we could just snap back together. She was a good friend.
And I would need her too.

Out of Touch
Teen FictionYou're losing me again. Alina keeps to herself. Everyone eventually leaves her due to this fact. They hate how she doesn't trust anyone but how can she trust others when the only thing she knows to expect is pain? Now she's starting her junior yea...