"You know Alina, right?"
I glance behind me to see Paige, a fellow cashier. She's short, sassy. She throws the punches first, always. She flips her long black braids behind her.
"Yeah, she's a very good friend of mine," I close my register.
"Are you going to lunch?"
Does this mean she wants to talk to me? I'd really rather not. I'm going to get a serious talking to.
"Yes," I try to remain normal on the outside.
"Good, I'm on lunch too, although mine is almost over. Let's talk," she starts walking towards the breakroom. Here we go. Prepare yourself, Michael Andrews.
"So, Alina used to have this online friend. She decided to take a break from him, thinking it was healthier for both parties involved. But she never came back. She gave so much to this kid and then she just left. Well, now he's trying to contact her again. He's been talking to me because she keeps ignoring him."
Alina left a lot of friends. She used to transition through people like hands of cards. She's been stuck with us for months now, I was surprised. I was glad she was still around.
"What does this have to do with anything? If he's gone, he's gone," I shrug.
"She told him before that they could be friends as long as it was in secret because nobody around her liked him. He put her through a lot of pain. I could imagine it still hurts her. I don't know for sure, she hasn't talked to me in awhile either."
Pain. Alina was in pain. She didn't tell me. I thought she'd been acting different lately. I thought we'd gotten somewhere. I was relying on her.
I felt my chest clench. That hurt. She didn't trust me. I trusted her. I trusted her since the night we went ice skating. How could she...
Paige wasn't done talking.
"He is so upset about it. He claims that Alina called him emotionally abusive and he keeps denying he ever was. She claims it was so she could be happy, that she wants to be happy. I know she used to be so upset having him around but she was going to give him a second chance. She's so detached, but she trusted him. He used to tell me all her secrets too. She's really secretive, it's honestly one of her worst qualities. She's not a good person to begin with-"
I started to feel angry. Paige was insulting someone I cared about. Between the pain and the anger, I didn't know what to choose. I had to escape.
"Oh, Matt," I stop walking. Matt just entered the store but he's not working today.
"Hey guys, I just got sent out for groceries. Are you on break?" Matt looked between Paige and me. I think he understood my discomfort.
"Yeah, we were just talking about your good friend Alina." Paige smiled.
"What about her?" Matt seemed concerned.
Paige started to talk his ear off about it. I almost wanted to hit her. I needed out. I watched Matt. He remained expressionless. He didn't seem to care all that much. But that was also just Matt.
"Oh, well, my break is over. I'd better get back," Paige shrugged, walking off.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Matt sighed.
"I'm supposed to meet up with her later today, let me talk to her," I try.
"Okay, but that doesn't mean I have to keep quiet about it."
I realized Matt already had his phone in his hand. He was listening to his music, like always. I pull my phone out of my pocket, hitting him in the shoulder.

Out of Touch
Teen FictionYou're losing me again. Alina keeps to herself. Everyone eventually leaves her due to this fact. They hate how she doesn't trust anyone but how can she trust others when the only thing she knows to expect is pain? Now she's starting her junior yea...